Risk report

Opportunity and risk management

Corporate activity is accompanied by opportunities and risks. Responsible handling of potential risks is a key element of sound corporate governance for BLG AG. At the same time it is important to identify and take advantage of opportunities. Our opportunities and risks policy aims to increase the company’s value without taking any inappropriately high risks.

The Board of Management of BLG AG assumes responsibility for formulating risk policy principles and earnings-oriented management of overall risk. The Board of Management regularly informs the Supervisory Board of decisions harboring potential risk in connection with the dutiful discharge of its responsibilities under company law.

Potential risks are identified at an early stage within the framework of continuous risk controlling and a risk management and reporting system geared to the corporate structure under company law. In this regard, we give special consideration to risks jeopardizing the company’s continued existence as a going concern arising from strategic decisions. Currently no going concern risks jeopardizing the company’s future development can be identified in the context of an overall analysis. Our financial base in connection with extending the range of services in all strategic divisions of the Group continues to offer good opportunities for BLG AG’s stable corporate development.

The risk management system, compliance management system and internal control system of BLG AG are integrated into the respective systems of the BLG Group – in particular by reason of the former’s status as personally liable general partner of BLG KG. Therefore, the following presents a summarized description of the systems at Group level of BLG LOGISTICS. For more information, see the combined group management report pertaining to the 2023 combined financial statements published by BLG AG and BLG KG as joint parents. reporting.blg-logistics.com/en

Risk-rewards culture

The BLG Group aims to achieve profitable growth while giving consideration to sustainability-related objectives.

Our risk-rewards culture as part of the corporate culture of BLG LOGISTICS sets out the company’s basic policy and rules of conduct for managing risks and opportunities. It greatly influences risk awareness when making business decisions and forms the basis for the implementation of appropriate and effective measures to enable us to pursue our opportunities responsibly and sustainably.

Our risk-rewards culture therefore constitutes the basis for the success of our risk management. Risk management works provided that transparency and a willingness to actively communicate and collaborate are practiced as part of an actual risk culture.

Dovetailing of the compliance and risk management system and internal control system1

Responsible, continuous and systematic management of operating risks, but also of opportunities, is of fundamental importance for BLG LOGISTICS. To this end, we rely on the close dovetailing of the compliance and risk management systems and the internal control system (ICS). The three systems are described in more detail below.

Main features of the compliance organization

Compliance means conforming to all statutory and internal company regulations, such as guidelines and organizational instructions, with the goal to avoid and minimize liability.

In its Code of Conduct, BLG LOGISTICS already committed to complying at all times with the relevant laws and the company’s internal guidelines.

Based on these fundamental values as well as on our own ethical principles, we aim to be a reliable and fair partner for our customers, business partners and shareholders.

The goal of compliance is to ensure that an organization operates in a manner that is legally and ethically irreproachable, including the prevention of legal violations within the organization. The task of the compliance officer to support the management and the employees responsible for BLG LOGISTICS’ business processes in achieving these goals derives from this.

In accordance with the rules of procedure of the Board of Management of BLG AG, the compliance officer reports to the Board of Management member responsible for compliance, the Chief Compliance Officer. At the invitation of the Board of Management, the compliance officer reports at meetings of the full Board of Management on the current status of compliance activities at BLG LOGISTICS. Also at the invitation of the Board of Management, the compliance officer reports directly to the Supervisory Board of BLG AG.

The compliance management system (CMS) is intended to prevent misconduct within the organization and to counter compliance risks or legal violations within the organization or from within BLG LOGISTICS through appropriate preventive measures.

The full Board of Management supports the compliance officer in the discharge of their duties.

The compliance officer has set up a regular Compliance Committee.

BLG LOGISTICS’ compliance officer is the point of contact for the external compliance ombudsperson, and at the same time assumes the role of internal ombudsperson.

In the event of a violation of relevant laws or internal guidelines of BLG LOGISTICS, the compliance officer supports the internal investigations of the Audit department.

Should sanctions be required, the compliance officer, in coordination with the Human Resources department, proposes the necessary measures in the Compliance Committee. The Human Resources department then implements the proposals in coordination with the Board of Management, the responsible management and the Compliance Committee.

One particular focus of supplier compliance in the reporting year was the implementation, organized as part of a cross-divisional project, for the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz – LkSG), which came into force on January 1, 2023.

The objective of this act is to improve compliance with human rights internationally by specifying the human rights due diligence obligations that companies must observe along the supply chain. It also stipulates environmental requirements. Derived from this, the law defines requirements for responsible management.

Basic elements of risk management

In line with the risk strategy of the BLG Group, the basic conceptual elements of the risk management system are rolled out centrally using a standardized approach to ensure coverage of clear risk accountability, and described in the Group guideline on risk management. This leads to systematic and comparable risk identification/documentation, risk analysis/assessment, risk control/monitoring and communication/reporting.

Particular attention is given to so-called extreme risks. These are risks with a high level of damage but a low probability of occurrence. They include, for example, extreme natural disasters, economic crises or terrorist attacks. Identifying possible risks and analyzing potential consequences (including extreme manifestations) for the company is part of business continuity management (BCM). Developing strategies, plans and actions that protect activities or processes or provide alternative modes of operation is a further aspect of BCM.

The objective of risk management is to create a shared awareness and positive understanding among management and all employees in managing operating risks in order to ensure the company’s risk-bearing capacity. The aim is to identify and assess risks, manage these risks efficiently through appropriate and effective measures, monitor them, and ensure ongoing risk reporting as a basis for sound decision-making. In this way, risk management is intended to contribute to achieving the aims of the corporate strategy and corporate objectives.

The objectives of risk management are:

  • Identify risks early and prevent crises and insolvencies (support continuity of the organization)
  • Improve planning reliability and risk costs through optimal risk management
  • Sound preparation of business decisions with risk analyses to improve the company’s success
  • Achieve sustainability-related corporate goals and monitor sustainability-related risks with regard to the three ESG dimensions (Environment, Social, Governance), taking into account the principle of dual materiality (i.e., BLG LOGISTICS’ impact on, for example, the climate or other environmental issues is also monitored).

Risk management organization

The areas of responsibility and roles with regard to the measures pursuant to Section 91 (2) and (3) AktG are clearly defined in the BLG Group’s organizational charts and specified, communicated and documented in the risk management tool. BLG LOGISTICS ensures that those vested with responsibility fulfill the required personal and professional criteria and receive regular training from central Risk Management. As part of the annual planning process, BLG sees to it that sufficient resources are made available for measures designed to promptly identify, evaluate, control and monitor developments that could jeopardize the organization’s continued existence as a going concern. The key provisions governing the organizational structure and workflows are documented and made binding.

Risk management organization encompasses the following components:

The organizational structure describes the tasks and responsibilities of all persons responsible for the risk management process and the measures taken to maintain the implemented system at a consistently high level and to communicate developments to those responsible in a structured and systematic manner.

Risk Management Organisation (Graphic)

Opportunity and risk management at BLG LOGISTICS

The risk management process is the process of assessing risks by identifying, documenting, analyzing, evaluating, controlling, monitoring as well as communicating and reporting risks.

The platform for an effective risk management system is the risk management tool, which enables risk managers to exchange information, prepare assessments and consolidate risks in a timely and flexible manner.

The divisions feed reports into the risk management tool on a continuous basis. The risks entered in the risk management tool are then evaluated and monitored by centrally responsible risk managers. The Risk Committee then validates and examines reported risks with regard to their nature and scope. This also includes the option of transferring risks to another risk officer and appointing a person to be in charge of measures. The committee is responsible for general quality assurance, including presenting and commenting on risk exposure. Furthermore, the committee supports the further development of corporate governance (including the dovetailing of the risk management system, internal control system, compliance and internal audit, i.e. integrated GRC). Detailed risk reports are submitted to the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board at least four times a year.

Internal control system

The internal control system (ICS) as the set of all systemically defined controls and monitoring activities has the objective of ensuring the security and efficiency of business transactions, the reliability of financial reporting and the compliance of all activities with laws and policies. An effective and efficient internal control system is crucial to successfully managing risks in our business processes. In its design, the internal control system at BLG LOGISTICS considers all material business processes and goes beyond controls in the accounting process. The non-financial ICS covers areas such as environmental violations, occupational health and safety and anti-corruption.

The ICS and the elements that contribute to it are regularly the focus of audit activities by the Internal Audit department. These are carried out either within the scope of the risk-based annual audit plan or within the scope of audits scheduled during the year at the request of management.

Integrated governance, risk and compliance approach1

Risk management within the BLG Group is based on an integrated governance, risk and compliance model, which enables responsible management of risks and opportunities.

First line of defense:
Operational management

Operational management of the individual business areas and central departments forms the front line of defense. They manage and are responsible for their processes, identify and assess risks locally at the level of the operating companies. Countermeasures are initiated promptly, and the residual potential impact is assessed. Material risks are reported in the risk management system on the basis of the published internal risk management guideline. The outcomes are continuously incorporated into risk reporting, thus also providing the Board of Management with an overall picture of the current risk situation during the course of the year via the documented reporting lines.

Second line of defense:
Central risk management system, compliance management system, internal control system

Central risk management is closely dovetailed with the two other governance control systems, the compliance management system and the internal control system. All three systems serve to support and systemically monitor operational management. These three core governance control systems provide the organizational framework and control the implementation of the framework guidelines in the operational processes, thus ensuring compliance with laws and our internal corporate standards and rules. Giving consideration to the findings from the other two control systems, the compliance management system and the internal control system, central Risk Management draws up the central risk map and acts as an important node for passing on relevant information to the Internal Audit department as well as for preparation of the annual financial statements.

Third line of defense:
Audit by the Group Internal Audit department

The Group Internal Audit department supports the Board of Management in overseeing the various divisions and business units within the Group. It regularly checks the early risk identification system and the structure and implementation of risk management as part of its independent audit activities.

Fourth line of defense:
Audit by the independent auditor

The risk management system is assessed with regard to the accounting process by the independent auditor within the scope of the audit of the annual financial statements.

Description of the main features of the internal control and risk management system with regard to the accounting process in accordance with Section 289 (4) HGB

Definition and elements of the internal control and risk management system

BLG AG’s principles of risk management are documented in a guideline. The regulations and necessary documentation as well as reporting cycles defined there are supported by standard software to ensure a uniform process standard.

The internal control system of BLG LOGISTICS with regard to the accounting process includes all principles, procedures and measures to ensure the appropriate and legally compliant recognition, measurement and presentation of business transactions in financial accounting and reporting as well as non-financial information within the scope of sustainability reporting. The objective is to avoid any material misstatements in accounting and external reporting.

Since the internal control system is an integral component of risk management, they are presented combined.

The internal monitoring and management systems are components of the internal control system. The Board of Management of BLG AG has assigned responsibility for the internal management system in particular to the central Management Accounting, Finance and Accounting departments (Financial Services).

The internal monitoring system comprises controls that are both integrated into and independent of the financial reporting process. The controls integrated into the process particularly include the dual control principle and IT-supported controls, as well as the involvement of internal departments such as Legal or Tax departments and of external experts.

Controls that are independent of the financial reporting process are carried out by the Internal Audit department, the Quality Management department and the Supervisory Board, in the latter case principally through its Audit Committee. In line with the Supervisory Board’s profile of skills and expertise, consideration has also been given to ensuring that its members have appropriate expertise in sustainability aspects that are material for BLG LOGISTICS. The Audit Committee concerns itself in particular with the financial accounting for the company and the Group, including reporting. The activities of the Audit Committee also focus on the risk situation, overseeing the further development of risk management and on compliance issues. This also includes the effectiveness of the internal control system.

Audit activities that are independent of the financial reporting process are also performed by external auditing bodies such as the German public auditing firm or the tax auditor. With regard to the financial reporting process, the audit of the annual and combined financial statements and the financial statements pursuant to Section 315e HGB by the German public auditing firm forms the main component of the process-independent review.

Accounting-related risks

Accounting-related risks can arise, for example, through the conclusion of unusual or complex business dealings or the establishment of business combinations as well as the processing of non-routine transactions.

Potential risks also result from discretionary scope in the recognition and measurement of assets and liabilities, or from the effect of estimates on the annual financial statements, such as for provisions or contingent liabilities.

Financial accounting and reporting process and measures to ensure compliance with the applicable legal requirements

Business transactions are generally accounted for in the single-entity financial statements of the subsidiaries of BLG AG using the standard software SAP R/3.

To ensure consistent recognition and measurement, BLG AG has issued accounting guidelines for financial reporting in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). In addition to general principles, these guidelines cover in particular accounting principles and policies and regulations on the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, consolidation principles and special topics. Guidelines for uniform Group-wide accounting have also been drawn up to ensure the implementation of consistent, standardized and efficient accounting and financial reporting across the Group. In addition, a code of practice for the notes and the management report has been defined that aims to ensure consistent reconcilability of the various sets of financial statements.

Impairment tests for the Group’s cash-generating units are carried out centrally. This ensures that consistent and standardized measurement criteria are used. The same applies to the specification of the parameters to be used for the measurement of pension provisions and other provisions based on expert opinions.

When preparing the debt consolidation, internal balances are regularly reconciled in order to clarify and remedy any differences in good time.

Special software is used for tax accounting. Current and deferred taxes are calculated at the level of the individual subsidiaries and the recoverability of the deferred tax assets is tested. Current and deferred taxes to be recognized are thus calculated at the Group level in the statement of financial position and in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, taking into account the effects of consolidation.

The audited financial statements in accordance with Section 315e HGB are converted into the ESEF-compliant format for submission to the German Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) using dedicated software, and the necessary checks are carried out and documented in accordance with a published ESEF technical concept based on the dual control principle.

Qualifying notes

The internal control and risk management system as well as the compliance management system, i.e. the set of all governance systems, ensure the compliance of the financial accounting and reporting process with legally required accounting principles and with the relevant legal requirements as well as the sustainability-related objectives. Discretionary decisions, erroneous controls or fraud may, however, limit the effectiveness of the internal control and risk management system and the compliance management system, so that the established systems cannot guarantee with absolute certainty that the risks will be identified and managed.

Effectiveness of the internal control system and risk management system, including compliance1

With the integrated governance, risk and compliance approach, the Board of Management has created and implemented a management framework for BLG AG, which aims to ensure appropriate and effective internal control and risk management. The measures implemented as part of this approach are similarly aimed at the effectiveness and appropriateness of internal control and risk management as well as compliance management and are explained in more detail in this report. In the context of anchoring the three lines of defense business model and the legal framework, independent reviews and audits simultaneously take place, in particular through audits carried out by the Internal Audit department, and their reporting to the Board of Management and Supervisory Board, and by the Supervisory Board’s Audit Committee, as well as through other external audits.

Based on its review of the internal control and risk management system and compliance management system, as well as the reporting by the Internal Audit department, the Board of Management is not aware of any circumstances which contradict the appropriateness and effectiveness of these systems.

Risks and opportunities of future development

Risks for the company arise from its status as personally liable general partner of BLG KG, Bremen. There is currently no identifiable risk of being subject to recourse. A risk but also an opportunity arises from the development of earnings of BLG KG, including its long-term investees, on which the amount of the company’s remuneration for management activities depends. Market, macroeconomic, political and other risks (e.g. high competitive pressure, economic development, supply chain disruptions, inflation and interest rates, further repercussions of the war in Ukraine) can have a direct impact. In this regard, we also refer to the combined group management report prepared by BLG AG and BLG KG as part of their jointly prepared combined financial statements for the 2023 financial year. A credit risk results from the receivables from loans and cash management with respect to BLG KG. There is currently no identifiable credit risk.

As a result of the rise in interest rates, BLG AG stands to benefit from higher income from cash management with BLG KG. No further risks isolated to BLG AG are currently identifiable, as its business activities essentially consist of the liability and management function for BLG KG. Based on current knowledge, neither climate change and the related requirements and restrictions, nor the high cost of energy, human resources and materials have a bearing on the risk assessment exclusively for BLG AG. This also applies to the effects of the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine and the current conflict in the Middle East.

Individually and in aggregate, there are currently no identifiable going concern risks jeopardizing BLG AG’s future development.

1 The disclosures in this section are so-called non-management report disclosures and have not been audited by the auditor.

Collective term for measures taken to ensure adherence to all legal obligations, provisions and directives relevant for a company, as well as to corporate governance. Another objective of compliance is to achieve harmonization between corporate actions and social values.
Take a look at the glossary
Corporate governance
Rights and obligations of the various parties involved in the company, in particular the shareholders, Board of Management and Supervisory Board.
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International Financial Reporting Standards (“IASs” until 2001): international accounting regulations that are published by an international independent body (IASB) with the aim of creating a transparent and comparable accounting system that can be applied by companies and organizations all over the world.
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Other comprehensive income
All income and expenses that are not contained in the net profit or loss for the year. It includes, for example, foreign currency gains and losses from the translation of foreign financial statements that are reported directly in equity in accordance with IAS 21.
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