CSR Index

As a joint parent company, BREMER LAGERHAUS- GESELLSCHAFT -Aktiengesellschaft von 1877-, Bremen, and BLG LOGISTICS GROUP AG & Co. KG, Bremen, issue voluntary combined financial statements and have for several years already integrated a non-financial Group report (NFR) with the information required under the CSR Directive Implementation Act into their sustainability reporting. The Sustainability Report 2023 was prepared in accordance with the GRI standards.

The table opposite gives an overview of the contents of the non-financial reporting and the allocation of the reporting aspects determined in accordance with the materiality principle (pursuant to Section 315c, German Commercial Code – HGB).

The non-financial Group report deals with the contents defined as essential by the CSR Directive Implementation Act for the fully consolidated BLG companies. Responsibility for the CONTAINER Division lies with the EUROGATE joint venture, which manages the topics relevant for CSR separately from BLG LOGISTICS. Therefore, contents of the non-financial report for the EUROGATE company accounted for using the equity method are shown separately in the EUROGATE section.

Components of the NFR

Components of the NFR


Relevant contents


Sustainability Report

Business model


Brief description of the business model of BLG LOGISTICS


Company Profile

Sustainability management


Accountabilities (control and authorizations)


Sustainability Management


Governance (management structure incl. comtencies,
remuneration model and grievance mechanism)



Materiality analysis


Selection of relevant contents of the report


Materiality Analysis

Risk management


Statement of the main risks relevant to CSR


Risk Management

Environmental topics


Climate Protection


Climate Protection


Energy Management


Energy Management

Employee topics


Fair Working Conditions and Human Rights


Fair Working Conditions and Human Rights


Training and Education


Training and Education


Occupational Health and Safety Management


Occupational Health and Safety Management

Respect for human rights


Fair Working Conditions and Human Rights


Fair Working Conditions and Human Rights






Risk Management


Risk Management


Due diligence along the supply chain


Sustainable Supply Chain

Anti-corruption and anti-bribery





Social topics


The materiality analysis did not identify any issues that are significant in the sense of the CSR Directive Implementation Act. Therefore, social topics are not part of the NFR.



Corporate Social Responsibility. Social responsibility of companies as part of sustainable business operations.
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Joint venture
Legally and organizationally independent company that is jointly established or acquired by at least two independent partners.
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