Disclosures on recog­­nition and measurement

The following accounting policies were applied essentially unchanged for the preparation of the annual financial statements.

Receivables and other assets are reported at their nominal value. Credit risks are taken into account through recognition of specific loss allowances, wherever necessary.

Bank balances are recognized at their nominal value.

Financial assets that are immune from access by all other creditors and that serve exclusively to fulfill post-employment benefit obligations are measured at fair value and netted against provisions for pensions and similar obligations.

Equity is recognized at nominal value.

Reinsurance cover for pension provisions is recognized using the asset value of the overall claims reported by the insurance companies. In this respect, the asset value corresponds both to the amortized cost (payments received plus accumulated interest and surplus credits) and the fair value as of the balance sheet date. The fair value of the fund units in the premium deposit account is determined at market prices at the reporting date.

Pension provisions are measured according to the projected unit credit method using the 2018 G (previous year: 2018 G) mortality tables issued by Prof. Klaus Heubeck. If at the end of the reporting period there is a match between the insurance payments made and the accrued pension benefits, pension provisions are recognized in the amount of the carrying amount of the corresponding pension liability claims from life insurance policies (“primacy of the assets side”). The average market interest rate, which is calculated for an assumed residual term of 15 years, is used as a standard basis for discounting.

In accordance with Section 246 (2) sentence 2 HGB, these are netted against the present value of the pension obligations under provisions for pensions and similar obligations.

The actuarial valuation was based on the following parameters:

Actuarial parameters




Discount rate



Expected development of salaries and wages



Expected pension increases



The provisions are recognized at the settlement amount necessary to cover all identifiable risks and uncertain liabilities on the basis of prudent business judgment.

Long-term provisions with a residual term of more than one year are discounted using the average market interest rate for matching maturities based on the past seven years, as published by the Deutsche Bundesbank. Long-term provisions for pension obligations with a residual term of more than one year are discounted using the average market interest rate for matching maturities based on the past ten years, as published by the Deutsche Bundesbank.

Liabilities are recognized at their settlement amounts.

Any differences between the carrying amounts of assets, liabilities, prepaid expenses and deferred income items according to commercial law and their tax carrying amounts that are expected to be reversed in later financial years are measured at the individual tax rates in the period in which the difference is reversed and the resulting tax burden or relief is recognized as deferred taxes.

The measurement of deferred tax assets depends on the estimation of the probability of the reversal of the measurement differences and the utilization of the loss carryforwards which resulted in deferred tax assets. This is dependent upon the generation of future taxable profits during the periods in which those tax measurement differences are reversed.

The option of recognizing deferred tax assets pursuant to Section 274 (1) sentence 2 HGB was applied. Deferred taxes are offset and not discounted.

Projected unit credit method
Special method for measuring pension and similar obligations in accordance with IFRSs.
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