Our New Sustainability Commitment Goals at a Glance

Our sustainability goals are developed through continuous internal and external dialog. This allows us to adopt more stringent targets if necessary, integrate new aspects or adjust KPIs. The targets listed here were adopted in 2023 and will apply in this form from 2024 or later. Some of them replace the previous targets, while others have been completely newly developed. Although the results for the 2023 reporting year are not yet measured against these targets, in the Status column we nevertheless provide an overview of where we currently stand.

SDG reference
Field of action
Target horizon
Status 2023

SDG reference

Field of action

We will become climate neutral and in doing so reduce our CO2 emissions within the company and externally. This goal is closely aligned with the Paris Climate Agreement.


  • 30% absolute reduction in Scopes 1 & 2
  • 15% absolute reduction in Scope 3

(2018 baseline)

From 2025: more stringent target of 1.5°C*

*Validation of the more stringent climate target by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is still pending at the time of publication.

Relevant for remuneration

Target horizon

by 2030

Status 2023

  • -18.4%
  • -27.4%

On course

SDG reference

Field of action

We are continuously working to increase our energy efficiency as well as the share of renewables. To achieve the latter, we rely both on the purchase of green electricity as well as increasing our own production via photovoltaics.


100% green electricity

Target horizon

from 2025

Status 2023

59% (incl. support from the Renewable Energy Sources Act)

In progress

SDG reference

Field of action

We take responsibility for the environmentally compatible use of resources and aim to reduce our waste volume by avoiding, reducing, recycling and reusing waste.


≥ 90% rate of separate collection

Target horizon


Status 2023


In progress

SDG reference

Field of action

We take responsibility for providing a safe working environment with a focus on accident prevention. We also support our employees in staying healthy through a number of preventive measures.


0 accidental deaths

Target horizon


Status 2023




By 2024: ≤ 35 accident rate (1,000 employee rate at Group level)

Relevant for remuneration

Target horizon


Status 2023


In progress


From 2025: reduce the accident rate (LTIF) by 10% annually

Target horizon


Status 2023


Still pending

SDG reference

Field of action

Our employees are crucial to our success. We offer them safe, attractive workplaces with fair pay, and are also mindful of the working conditions of the people in our supply chain.


100% of our own employees and temporary employees are covered by collective agreements (or at least with a comparable wage level)

Target horizon


Status 2023

97.7% (covered by collective agreements)

On course

SDG reference

Field of action

We employ people from more than 60 nations and respect their diversity. We also offer our employees equal career opportunities and in particular promote women in management.


≥ 30% proportion of women on average at management levels 0-3

Target horizon

by 2025

Status 2023


On course

SDG reference

Field of action

Our training programs take account not only of qualifications but also of personal background and life situation. We offer our employees further development opportunities throughout their careers.


From 2025: ≥ 2.0% trainee ratio

Relevant for remuneration

Target horizon


Status 2023


On course


≥ 5.5 centrally recorded training hours per employee p.a.

Target horizon

by 2025

Status 2023



SDG reference

Field of action

We conduct our business in accordance with the law. We involve the entire organization by providing information and knowledge transfer.


From 2024: 90% of management staff (management levels 0–3) have a valid compliance training certificate

Target horizon


Status 2023

90.8% (within a three-year cycle)

In progress

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