20. Equity

The breakdown of and changes to equity in the 2023 and 2022 financial years are presented in the combined statement of changes in equity as a separate component of the combined financial statements as of December 31, 2023.

a) Included capital of BLG AG

As in the previous year, the share capital (subscribed capital) amounted to EUR 9,984,000.00 and was divided into 3,840,000 approved, no-par registered shares with voting rights. Transfer of the shares requires the approval of the company in accordance with Section 5 of the Articles of Incorporation. As in the previous year, the share capital was fully paid as of December 31, 2023.

The retained earnings included the legal reserve pursuant to Section 150 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) of EUR 998 thousand (previous year: EUR 998 thousand), which was allocated in full, as well as other retained earnings of EUR 10,968 thousand (previous year: EUR 10,086 thousand). In the 2023 financial year, transfers to retained earnings amounted to EUR 300 thousand (previous year: withdrawals from retained earnings of EUR 110 thousand).

b) Included capital of BLG KG

The capital attributable to the limited partner of BLG KG is recognized. The limited partner capital and the share premium were almost exclusively made up of contributions in kind.

The share premium account includes allocations of asset-side differences from the time before the transition of the combined financial statements to IFRSs. Furthermore, in 2021, the limited partner, the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, made a contribution to the share premium of EUR 53,000 thousand.

Retained earnings include, in addition to undistributed profits from prior periods, dividend payments and other withdrawals, earlier changes in the basis of consolidation recognized outside profit or loss, and other changes and shares of combined net profit for the period. In addition, retained earnings also include the differences between the German Commercial Code (HGB) and IFRSs existing on January 1, 2004 (date of transition). There is no separate presentation of the net profit or loss of consolidated companies.

The actuarial gains and losses credited or charged directly to equity from the measurement of gross pension obligations in accordance with IAS 19 and the difference between the expected and actual return on plan assets are reported in “Other reserves”.

The reserve from the fair value measurement of financial instruments includes net gains or losses credited or charged directly to equity from changes in the fair value of the effective portion of the cash flow hedges. Reserves are generally released upon settlement of the underlying transaction. In addition, the reserves are released on expiration, disposal, termination or exercise of the hedging instrument, in the event of revocation of the designation of the hedging relationship or non-fulfillment of the requirements for a hedge under IFRS 9. The reserve also contains changes in the measurement of equity investments measured at fair value. Further disclosures on hedge accounting are presented in note 32 in the “Derivative financial instruments” section.

EUR thousand





As of January 1





Change in reserves





As of December 31





As of the end of the reporting period, the reserve consisted of the fair values of the interest rate swaps qualifying as hedges of EUR 5,068 thousand (previous year: EUR 10,079 thousand), deferred taxes on this amount recognized directly in equity of EUR 453 thousand (previous year: EUR 453 thousand) as well as EUR 75 thousand (previous year: EUR 646 thousand) from the fair values of financial instruments at associates recognized directly in equity.

Foreign currency translation includes exchange differences from the translation of financial statements of consolidated companies in currencies other than the euro.

c) Equity of non-controlling interests

This item contained EUR 6,930 thousand (previous year: EUR 6,290 thousand) for the minority interests in the equity of fully consolidated subsidiaries.

For the development of the individual equity components, please see the separate Combined statement of changes in equity.

Cash flow
Key figure that describes the balance of cash and cash equivalent receipts and payments within the financial year.
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Derivative financial instruments
Financial instruments that are traditionally used to hedge existing investments or liabilities and whose value is derived from a reference investment (e.g. share or bond).
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International Financial Reporting Standards (“IASs” until 2001): international accounting regulations that are published by an international independent body (IASB) with the aim of creating a transparent and comparable accounting system that can be applied by companies and organizations all over the world.
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