17. Inventories

The inventories line item comprises raw materials, consumables and supplies, work in progress and finished goods and merchandise. Initial recognition is at purchase cost, determined on the basis of average prices, or at production cost. Production cost includes all direct production costs as well as an appropriate share of indirect production costs and is determined on the basis of normal capacity utilization. Financing costs are not taken into account.

The measurement at the end of the reporting period is at the lower of cost or net realizable value less costs due and, where appropriate, other incurred costs of completion. The net realizable value of the final product is generally taken as a basis.

EUR thousand





Raw materials, consumables and supplies





Finished goods and merchandise










Inventories are not pledged as collateral for liabilities. Loss allowances of EUR 93 thousand (previous year: EUR 209 thousand) were recognized on inventories as of December 31, 2023. The inventories recognized as expenses in the reporting year amounted to EUR 78,066 thousand (previous year: EUR 96,790 thousand).

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