BLG as lessee
BLG LOGISTICS’ leases primarily cover land, buildings and wharfs. They relate mainly to heritable building rights in the ports of Bremen and Bremerhaven and have remaining terms of up to 25 years. The Group thus secures long-term rights of use to the land required for operations. In addition there are mainly leases for industrial trucks, conveyor systems, HGVs, passenger cars railroad cars and tractor units, which have terms of mainly between three and ten years.
A number of property leases contain extension or termination options. All facts and circumstances that offer an economic incentive to exercise extension options or not to exercise termination options are taken into account when determining the term of leases. Changes in the term of a lease as a result of exercising or not exercising options are taken into account only when they are reasonably certain. As extension or termination options are often agreed in line with corresponding clauses in contracts with customers, the exercise of these options is reviewed in parallel with the contract negotiations with customers. At the same time, potential future cash outflows that are not currently included in the lease liabilities are offset by a similar amount of potential future cash inflows from contracts with customers. The modified lease payments are to be discounted at the interest rate on the date of the lease modification.
In addition, the heritable building right contracts in particular provide for an adjustment of the ground rent on the basis of the consumer price index every five years. The lease payments are stated at the index level applicable at the respective measurement date. The last adjustment was made in financial year 2021. These are index-based variable payments, which are accounted for from the date the adjustment of the lease payments takes effect, using an unchanged discount rate.
The Group has granted residual value guarantees in the lease agreements for railroad cars in light of the uncertainties regarding future sales proceeds and the lessors’ requirement that BLG LOGISTICS participate in the risks. Only the amounts that are expected to be paid are included in the lease payments. Estimates are based on the expected residual values of the railroad cars at the end of the lease term. They are regularly reviewed and, if necessary, adjusted using an unchanged discount rate. Residual value guarantees of no more than EUR 2.0 million (previous year: EUR 6.1 million) (undiscounted) are not expected to result in payments, therefore no amounts for residual value guarantees were included in the lease liabilities as of December 31, 2023.
Recognition and measurement
BLG LOGISTICS as a lessee recognizes assets for the right to use the leased assets and liabilities for the payment obligations entered into. They are recognized at the date from which the underlying asset is available for the Group’s use.
IFRS 16 is not applied to leases for intangible assets. BLG LOGISTICS exercises the option for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets and recognizes payments for these leases on a straight-line basis as expenses in the statement of profit or loss. In the case of contracts that contain other components besides lease components, these components are not separated.
The right-of-use assets are measured at cost, comprising the present value of the outstanding lease payments and lease payments made to the lessor on or before commencement of the lease, less lease incentives received, initial direct costs and, if applicable, the estimated costs to dismantle the underlying assets.
Subsequently, the right-of-use assets are depreciated over the shorter of the term of the lease and the useful life in line with the rules for comparable own assets and, if necessary, impaired (see also note 12 under “Impairment”).
These are grouped with acquired assets for reporting purposes, taking into account the asset class.
The lease liabilities are measured at the present value of the outstanding lease payments. They are discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease, if that rate can be determined. Alternatively, they are discounted at the incremental borrowing rate.
The lease payments include fixed lease payments, less lease incentives to be received from the lessor, variable lease payments linked to an index or interest rate, expected payments resulting from residual value guarantees, the exercise price of a purchase option if the exercise is reasonably certain, and penalties payable if termination options are exercised, if their exercise is reasonably certain.
After initial recognition, the lease liabilities are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Interest cost is therefore computed for lease liabilities on the basis of an amount resulting in a constant periodic discount rate for the remaining liabilities. This corresponds to the discount rate determined at the commencement date of the lease, unless a reassessment requires a change in the discount rate. This is the case if changes in the estimate regarding exercise or non-exercise of purchase, extension or termination options arise or changes to the scope, amount of contractual payments or the term of the lease are agreed. Remeasurements using an unchanged discount rate must be made in the event of changes in variable payments linked to an index or interest rate or changes in the estimate of the payments expected to be made under residual value guarantees. Amounts from a remeasurement of the lease liability are recognized at the same time as an adjustment to the right-of-use asset. If the value of the right to use the leased asset is reduced to zero, the remaining adjustment amount is to be recognized in the statement of profit or loss. Lease payments made less the interest expenses included therein reduce the carrying amount of the lease liabilities.
Right-of-use assets
The following table shows the separate carrying amounts for rights to use leased assets that were included in property, plant and equipment.
EUR thousand |
2023 |
2022 |
Land, land rights and buildings, including buildings |
234,746 |
241,160 |
Handling equipment |
15,094 |
15,671 |
Other equipment, operating and office equipment |
2,415 |
2,508 |
Total |
252,256 |
259,339 |
The additions to right-of-use assets in the 2023 financial year amounted to EUR 43,308 thousand (previous year: EUR 30,132 thousand).
The corresponding lease liabilities are recognized under financial liabilities. Please refer to note 24.
Statement of profit or loss
The following amounts were recognized in the statement of profit or loss in connection with leases in which BLG LOGISTICS is the lessee.
EUR thousand |
2023 |
2022 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment |
Land, land rights and buildings, including buildings |
31,737 |
32,090 |
Handling equipment |
8,691 |
12,303 |
Other equipment, operating and office equipment |
1,590 |
1,501 |
42,018 |
45,894 |
Other operating expense |
Expenses for short-term leases |
13,901 |
12,046 |
Expenses for leases of low-value assets |
1,982 |
1,993 |
15,883 |
14,039 |
Interest expense |
Interest expenses from lease liabilities |
12,746 |
11,337 |
12,746 |
11,337 |
Total |
70,647 |
71,270 |
Total payments for leases in the financial year amounted to EUR 92,485 thousand (previous year: EUR 88,894 thousand).
BLG as lessor
The Group has subleases for land, buildings, wharfs and operating equipment. The terms of these subleases in the main correspond with those of the head leases. In addition, BLG LOGISTICS is in some cases lessor under customer contracts.
The subleases largely relate to the rights and obligations, transferred under usage transfer agreements, arising from the heritable building rights of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (municipality) for land necessary for the business of the EUROGATE Group. Further information is given in note 15 under “Joint ventures.”
Recognition and measurement
As lessor, BLG LOGISTICS classifies leases at commencement as an operating lease or a finance lease.
If the lease transfers in substance all the risks and rewards of ownership, the lease is a finance lease. If this is not the case, the lease is an operating lease.
As intermediate lessor, the Group recognizes the head lease and the sublease separately. If the head lease is a short-term lease for which the recognition option is exercised, the sublease must be classified as an operating lease. In all other cases, the sublease is classified on the basis of the right-of-use asset from the head lease instead of the underlying asset.
In the case of operating leases, the lease payments received are recognized through profit or loss in revenue or other operating income, depending on the items to which they relate.
In the case of finance leases, the leased asset or right-of-use asset from the head lease is derecognized, and a lease receivable is recognized in the amount of the net investment in the lease. Interest income is recognized over the term of the leases in the amount that results in a constant periodic rate of return on the remaining lease receivables. After initial recognition, the lease receivables are reduced by the lease payments received less the interest income included therein. An allowance account for lease receivables is recognized in net profit or loss on the basis of expected credit losses according to the general approach. Please also refer to note 16.
Lease receivables
In the table below, the undiscounted future lease payments from finance leases are presented by due date and reconciled with the recognized lease receivables.
EUR thousand |
12/31/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
One year or less |
35,960 |
32,493 |
More than one and less than 2 years |
35,827 |
26,411 |
More than 2 and less than 3 years |
30,638 |
25,718 |
More than 3 and less than 4 years |
18,238 |
23,856 |
More than 4 and less than 5 years |
10,460 |
18,424 |
More than 5 years |
190,703 |
201,163 |
Total undiscounted lease payments |
321,826 |
328,065 |
Unrealized interest income |
73,497 |
78,166 |
Lease receivables (net investment in the lease) |
248,329 |
249,899 |
Statement of profit or loss
The following amounts were recognized in the statement of profit or loss in connection with leases in which BLG LOGISTICS is the lessor.
EUR thousand |
2023 |
2022 |
Revenue |
Income from operating leases |
1,478 |
2,956 |
1,478 |
2,956 |
Other operating income |
Income from operating leases |
1,292 |
1,294 |
Income from subleases |
816 |
792 |
2,108 |
2,086 |
Interest income |
Interest income from lease receivables |
11,498 |
8,169 |
11,498 |
8,169 |
Total |
15,084 |
13,211 |
In the table below, the undiscounted future lease payments from operating leases are presented by due date.
EUR thousand |
12/31/2023 |
12/31/2022 |
One year or less |
2,344 |
2,344 |
More than one and less than 2 years |
1,110 |
1,097 |
More than 2 and less than 3 years |
583 |
633 |
More than 3 and less than 4 years |
0 |
504 |
More than 4 and less than 5 years |
0 |
0 |
More than 5 years |
0 |
0 |
Total undiscounted lease payments |
4,037 |
4,578 |