41. Non-consolidated Structured Companies

BLG Unter­stützungskasse GmbH, Bremen
(ownership interest: 100 percent)

BLG KG owns 100 percent of the shares in BLG Unterstützungskasse GmbH, Bremen. The purpose of the company is to provide ongoing support to former employees and former Board of Management members of BLG and their survivors. The necessary funds are provided to the company by the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (municipality), as it has accepted the obligations arising from the pension entitlements. An exposure to risk as a result of, or a claim to variable returns from the investment and the opportunity to influence the operations of BLG Unterstützungskasse GmbH, Bremen, are therefore contractually precluded. Accordingly, control does not exist, despite the ownership of 100 percent of the voting shares, with the result that the company is not consolidated.

The carrying amount of the investment was EUR 30 thousand (previous year: EUR 30 thousand) and corresponds to the fair value. This was recognized in other financial assets under other financial investments. The maximum exposure to loss was the carrying amount of the investment.

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