39. Consol­idation Principles

The date of initial consolidation is the date on which, from an economic point of view, the conditions established under IFRSs for the existence of a subsidiary, an associate or a joint venture are met for the first time. Similarly, the deconsolidation date is determined by the absence of control, joint control or material influence.


Subsidiaries are companies that are controlled by BLG LOGISTICS.

BLG LOGISTICS controls an investee if there is an exposure to risk as a result of a right to variable returns from the investment and the power over the investee can be used to affect the amount of the returns.

All major subsidiaries are included in the combined financial statements.

Subsidiaries are generally fully consolidated in accordance with IFRS 10. Deviating from this, certain companies of BLG LOGISTICS are not consolidated for reasons of materiality (see note 38).

At first-time consolidation, the acquisition cost of subsidiaries is offset against the carrying amount of the Group’s investment in the remeasured equity of the acquirees in accordance with IFRS 3. In this process, assets and liabilities are recognized at their fair values and previously unrecognized intangible assets that are eligible for recognition under IFRSs as well as contingent liabilities are recognized at fair value in assets or liabilities. Subsequent to initial consolidation, the thus identified hidden assets and hidden liabilities are carried forward, written down or reversed in accordance with the treatment of the corresponding assets and liabilities. Any excess of the acquisition cost of the acquiree over the proportionate net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities (positive difference) resulting from initial consolidation is recognized as goodwill and is subject to annual impairment testing (see note 12).

If any negative difference remains, the identification and measurement of assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities and the deviation of the purchase price are reassessed. Any negative goodwill remaining following this review is recognized immediately through profit or loss.

Companies accounted for using the equity method

The companies accounted for using the equity method include investments in joint ventures and associates.

Joint ventures exist when there are arrangements in which BLG LOGISTICS exercises joint control with at least one partner company, where the Group has rights to its net assets instead of rights to the assets and obligations from the liabilities of the arrangement. This applies in particular to the CONTAINER Division, which is accounted for using the equity method via the stake in the operational management company EUROGATE GmbH & Co. KGaA, KG, Bremen.

Associates are companies in which BLG LOGISTICS has material influence over the financial and operational policies, but does not exercise control or joint management.

The carrying amounts of the equity investments accounted for using the equity method are increased or decreased annually to recognize BLG LOGISTICS’ share of the profit or loss of the investee arising from changes in the equity of the joint venture or the associate. The principles applicable to full consolidation are applied mutatis mutandis to the allocation and adjustment of the carrying amount of the investee to reflect the excess of the acquisition cost of the investment over the proportionate interest in the company’s equity.

Non-controlling interests

Non-controlling interests include minority interests in the equity of fully consolidated subsidiaries.

Non-controlling interests in acquired companies are recognized based on the proportionate share of the net assets of the acquiree.

Transactions with non-controlling interests are treated as transactions with equity owners of BLG LOGISTICS. Any difference between the consideration paid and the relevant share of the carrying amount of the net assets of the subsidiary arising from the purchase is recognized in equity. Gains and losses which are realized on the disposal of non-controlling interests are also recognized in equity.

Other equity interests

Other equity interests are stated at fair value in accordance with IFRS 9. If there is no active market and the fair value cannot be determined reliably using measurement methods, cost is used as an appropriate approximation of fair value.

Loss of control

If BLG LOGISTICS ceases to have control or material influence over an entity, the remaining interest is remeasured to fair value and the resulting difference is recognized in profit or loss. The fair value is the fair value determined on initial recognition of an associate, joint venture or financial asset.

In addition, all amounts reported in other comprehensive income in respect of that entity are accounted for as would be required if the parent company had sold the corresponding assets and liabilities directly. This means that a profit or loss previously recognized in other comprehensive income is reclassified from equity to comprehensive income.

If the ownership interest in an associate has decreased, but the entity remains an associate, only the proportionate share of net profit or loss previously recognized in other comprehensive income is reclassified to profit or loss.

Elimination of transactions as part of consolidation

The effects of intragroup transactions are eliminated:

Receivables and payables between the consolidated companies are netted against each other, intragroup profits and losses on non-current assets and inventories are eliminated. Intragroup income is offset against the corresponding expense items. Taxes are deferred for temporary differences from consolidation as required under IAS 12.

The consolidation method is unchanged from the previous year.

Full consolidation
Method for recognition of subsidiaries that are included in the combined financial statements with all assets and liabilities.
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International Financial Reporting Standards (“IASs” until 2001): international accounting regulations that are published by an international independent body (IASB) with the aim of creating a transparent and comparable accounting system that can be applied by companies and organizations all over the world.
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Joint venture
Legally and organizationally independent company that is jointly established or acquired by at least two independent partners.
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Other comprehensive income
All income and expenses that are not contained in the net profit or loss for the year. It includes, for example, foreign currency gains and losses from the translation of foreign financial statements that are reported directly in equity in accordance with IAS 21.
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