Reporting 2020

Assets and leases

12. Intangible assets

Intangible assets include not only acquired and internally generated intangible assets but also goodwill arising from company acquisitions.

Goodwill represents the excess of the acquisition costs from company acquisitions over the fair value of the Group’s interests in the net assets of the acquired companies at the acquisition date. The goodwill recognized is subject to annual impairment testing and measured at its cost less any accumulated impairment. Reversals are not permitted. Gains and losses on the disposal of a company include the carrying amount of the goodwill, which is attributed to the company being deconsolidated.

Acquired intangible assets are capitalized at cost; internally generated intangible assets from which the Group expects to derive future benefit and which can be measured reliably are capitalized at cost and amortized on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives. Costs in this context include all direct production costs as well as an appropriate share of production overheads. Financing costs are capitalized if they are attributable to qualifying assets.

The straight-line method is the sole method used for depreciation and amortization, which is presented in the income statement in the item “Depreciation, amortization and impairment of non-current intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets from leases.” This is based on the following standard useful lives:

  2020 2019
Licenses, industrial property rights and similar rights 5-8 years 5-8 years
Software licenses 2-5 years 2-5 years
Internally generated software 3-5 years 3-5 years

No financing costs were capitalized for qualifying assets.

EUR thousand
Goodwill Licenses, industrial property rights and similar rights and assets as well as licenses to such rights and assets Advance payments on intangible assets Total
As of January 1 28,429 65,271 4,566 98,266
Additions 0 2,043 3,367 5,410
Disposals 0 -25,428 -465 -25,893
Reclassifications 0 -370 -111 -481
Exchange rate differences 0 -69 0 -69
As of December 31 28,429 41,447 7,357 77,233
Depreciation and amortization expense, impairment losses        
As of January 1 3,796 60,156 0 63,952
Depreciation and amortization 0 2,395 0 2,395
Impairment 19,549 0 0 19,549
Disposals 0 -25,409 0 -25,409
Reclassifications 0 -773 0 -773
Exchange rate differences 0 -65 0 -65
As of December 31 23,345 36,304 0 59,649
Carrying amounts as of December 31 5,084 5,143 7,357 17,584
EUR thousand
Goodwill Licenses, industrial property rights and similar rights and assets as well as licenses to such rights and assets Advance payments on intangible assets Total
As of January 1 28,429 65,682 464 94,575
Additions 0 1,182 4,102 5,284
Disposals 0 -1,700 0 -1,700
Reclassifications 0 86 0 86
Exchange rate differences 0 21 0 21
As of December 31 28,429 65,271 4,566 98,266
Depreciation and amortization expense, impairment losses        
As of January 1 2,796 58,624 0 61,420
Depreciation and amortization 0 3,162 0 3,162
Impairment 1,000 53 0 1,053
Disposals 0 -1,699 0 -1,699
Exchange rate differences 0 16 0 16
As of December 31 3,796 60,156 0 63,952
Carrying amounts as of December 31 24,633 5,115 4,566 34,314

The intangible assets include such assets for which there is an operating lease. These developed as follows:

EUR thousand
Licenses, industrial property rights and similar rights and assets as well as licenses to such rights and assets
As of January 1 1,175
Additions 12
Disposals -21
As of December 31 1,166
Depreciation and amortization expense, impairment losses  
As of January 1 866
Depreciation and amortization 177
Disposals -21
As of December 31 1,022
Carrying amounts as of December 31 144
EUR thousand
Licenses, industrial property rights and similar rights and assets as well as licenses to such rights and assets
As of January 1 1,160
Additions 7
Reclassifications 8
As of December 31 1,175
Depreciation and amortization expense, impairment losses  
As of January 1 681
Depreciation and amortization 185
As of December 31 866
Carrying amounts as of December 31 309



All non-financial assets of the Group, with the exception of inventories and deferred tax assets, are tested at the end of the reporting period for indications of possible impairment within the meaning of IAS 36. If such indications are identified, the expected recoverable amount is estimated and compared with the carrying amount.

If there are indications of impairment and if the recoverable amount is less than the amortized cost, impairment is recognized on the intangible assets. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount for an individual asset, the assets are combined to form cash-generating units.

In addition, the recoverable amounts for goodwill, assets with an indefinite useful life and intangible assets not yet completed are estimated at the end of each reporting period regardless of whether there are any indications of impairment.

In accordance with IAS 36, impairment is recognized through profit or loss if the carrying amount of an asset or the related cash-generating unit exceeds its recoverable amount.

If a requirement to recognize a loss allowance is determined for a cash-generating unit, the goodwill of the cash-generating unit in question is first reduced. If a further adjustment of the loss allowance is required, it is uniformly distributed over the carrying amounts of the other assets of the cash-generating unit.

Impairment is recognized in the item “Depreciation, amortization and impairment of non-current intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets from leases”.

Determination of the recoverable amount

The expected recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s net realizable value less costs to sell and its value in use. Value in use is the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset or cash-generating unit. The calculations are made in euros on the basis of three-year planning, taking country-specific risks into account. Foreign currencies are translated using forward rates. The Group’s weighted average cost of capital of 6.37 percent (previous year: 6.80 percent) is used as the discount rate, which is adjusted to the country-specific tax rate. The weighted average cost of capital is determined by the debt and equity interests, the risk-free base rate taking inflation into account (-0.23 percent, previous year: 0.11 percent), the market risk premium (7.0 percent, previous year: 7.0 percent), the sector-specific risk, the country-specific tax rate and borrowing costs.

The recoverable amounts of cash-generating units are determined based on value-in-use calculations. The tested goodwill and the assumptions underlying the calculations are shown in the following table:

2020 BLG AutoRail GmbH, Bremen BLG Logistics Automobile St. Petersburg Co. Ltd., St. Petersburg, Russia BLG Sports & Fashion Logistics GmbH, Hörsel Freight forwarding
Carrying amount of goodwill (EUR thousand) 4,288 797 0 0
Revenue growth p.a. in % (planning period) 0.0-5.4 44.9-51.4 see continuous text 12.1-19.2
Other parameters for corporate planning Capacity utilization, price per vehicle, business expansion Capacity utilization, productivity, price per vehicle Capacity utilization, productivity, new customers New customer acquisition, synergy effects
Duration of the planning period 4 years 3 years 3 years 3 years
Revenue growth p.a. in % after the end of the planning period 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Discount rate in % 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4
2019 BLG AutoRail GmbH, Bremen BLG Logistics Automobile St. Petersburg Co. Ltd., St. Petersburg, Russia BLG Sports & Fashion Logistics GmbH, Hörsel Freight forwarding
Carrying amount of goodwill (EUR thousand) 4,288 797 10,794 8,754
Revenue growth p.a. in % (planning period) 0.4-1.5 0.1-22.0 see continuous text 5.6-7.7
Other parameters for corporate planning Capacity utilization, price per vehicle, business expansion Capacity utilization, productivity, price per vehicle Capacity utilization, productivity, new customers New customer acquisition, synergy effects
Duration of the planning period 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years
Revenue growth p.a. in % after the end of the planning period 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Discount rate in % 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8

For BLG AutoRail GmbH, Bremen, the recoverable amount based on the assumptions listed in the above table significantly exceeded the carrying amount of the cash-generating unit. Planning takes into account the utilization of railroad cars based on historical data from previous years as well as the conversion of ad hoc transport to portfolio transport. Even with a substantial reduction in the assumptions for revenue growth and other parameters or an increase in the discount rate by one percentage point, the recoverable amount would be above the carrying amount. The sales expectations on which the planning in the AUTOMOBILE Division were based were derived from market forecasts for new car registrations, previous market shares and customer surveys.

The goodwill of the cash-generating unit BLG St. Petersburg was impaired in previous years, with EUR 2,796,000 written down on a carrying amount of EUR 797,000. If EBIT declined by 50 percent, there would currently be no further write-down requirement. An increase in the discount rate by one percentage point would not lead to any further need for write-downs.

The purchase price allocation from the acquisition of shares in BLG Sports & Fashion Logistics GmbH, Hörsel, gave rise to goodwill of EUR 11,794,000. Based on the assumptions presented in the table above, the recoverable amount for this company is below the carrying amount of the cash-generating unit. Accordingly, the goodwill in the amount of EUR 10,794,000 (previous year: EUR 1,000,000) was written down in full. Since the 2019 financial year, the location has been managed as a multi-user location. In addition to various cost-cutting measures, the strategic planning includes contributions to earnings from the acquisition of new customers on the basis of historical data. In this context, the current progress in customer negotiations is in particular taken into account. In the future, this will lead to the almost complete capacity utilization of the company’s logistics facilities. On this basis, a rise in revenue of 6.0 percent p.a. was assumed for the 2021 planning period and revenue growth of 32.4 percent p.a. for the following year.

Due to the merger of the companies INFORTRA GmbH, LOGFORTRA GmbH and Arno Rosenlöcher (GmbH & o. KG) into BLG International Forwarding GmbH & Co. KG in the 2018 financial year, the legal structure now corresponds to the FREIGHT FORWARDING cash-generating unit already recognized on account of the close relationships between the companies. The goodwill of EUR 8,754,000 was written down in full in the reporting year. The planning takes into account cost savings through further synergies as well as the expansion of the freight forwarding services for the AUTOMOBILE Division and, in particular, the CONTRACT Division.

Reversals of impairment losses

If the reasons for the impairment cease to exist, it must be reversed. The reversal is limited to the amortized cost that would have resulted without the impairment.

If the write-downs were distributed evenly across the assets of a cash-generating unit, the same procedure is used for the reversals.

Reversals of impairment on goodwill are not permitted.

13. Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment are accounted for at cost less depreciation based on use. Production costs include both direct costs and an appropriate share of attributable production overheads. Borrowing costs are recognized in production costs, insofar as they relate to qualifying assets. In accordance with IAS 16, demolition obligations are accounted for at present value as incidental acquisition costs. Expected residual values are usually not taken into account in determining amortization.

The remeasurement method is not used in BLG LOGISTICS.

If the conditions of IAS 16 for the application of the component approach are met, the assets are broken down into their components, which are capitalized individually and depreciated over their useful lives.

Asset-related government grants are deferred and amortized over the useful life of the subsidized asset using the straight-line method. Please refer to note 25.

The straight-line method is the sole method used for depreciation and amortization, which is presented in the income statement in the item “Depreciation, amortization and impairment of non-current intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets from leases.” This is based on the following standard useful lives:

  2020 2019
Buildings, lightweight 10 years 10 years
Buildings, solid construction 20-40 years 20-40 years
Open spaces 10-20 years 10-20 years
Other handling equipment 4-34 years 4-34 years
Technical plant and machinery 5-30 years 5-30 years
Operating and office equipment 4-20 years 4-20 years
Low-value assets 1 year 1 year

If there are indications of impairment and if the recoverable amount is less than the amortized cost, the property, plant and equipment are impaired (see also note 12 under “Impairment”).

Impairment is recognized in the item “Depreciation, amortization and impairment of non-current intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets from leases.” In the 2020 financial year, in addition to depreciation, essentially an impairment loss was recognized on the capitalized heavy truck area.

EUR thousand
Land, land rights and buildings, including buildings on third-party land Handling equipment Technical plant and machinery Other equipment, operating and office equipment Advance payments and assets under construction Total
As of January 1 678,208 147,742 167,901 84,557 13,656 1,092,064
Additions 30,945 33,298 22,733 9,271 6,102 102,349
Disposals -1,141 -10,323 -21,765 -6,194 0 -39,423
Reclassifications 858 154 7,130 313 -11,983 -3,528
Exchange rate differences -356 -686 -1,270 -717 -17 -3,046
As of December 31 708,514 170,185 174,729 87,230 7,758 1,148,416
Depreciation and amortization expense, impairment losses            
As of January 1 255,489 56,785 120,480 60,317 0 493,071
Depreciation and amortization 42,599 27,498 8,304 8,419 0 86,820
Impairment 6,106 515 46 0 0 6,667
Disposals -1,017 -8,122 -6,563 -5,031 0 -20,733
Reclassifications -1,215 -40 -474 -422 0 -2,151
Exchange rate differences -269 -97 -604 -218 0 -1,188
As of December 31 301,693 76,539 121,189 63,065 0 562,486
Carrying amounts as of December 31 406,821 93,646 53,540 24,165 7,758 585,930
EUR thousand
Land, land rights and buildings, including buildings on third-party land Handling equipment Technical plant and machinery Other equipment, operating and office equipment Advance payments and assets under construction Total
Cost ­  ­  ­  ­  ­  ­ 
As of January 1 389,540 56,150 155,193 75,300 4,123 680,306
Changes due to IFRS 16 278,415 61,096 9,817 2,361 0 351,689
As of January 1, adjusted 667,955 117,246 165,010 77,661 4,123 1,031,995
Additions 23,855 30,694 2,842 9,253 13,026 79,670
Disposals -14,343 -1,442 -1,740 -2,781 0 -20,306
Reclassifications 732 1,244 1,136 295 -3,493 -86
Exchange rate differences 9 0 653 129 0 791
As of December 31 ­678,208 ­147,742 ­167,901 ­84,557 ­13,656 ­1,092,064
Depreciation and amortization expense, impairment losses ­  ­  ­  ­  ­  ­ 
As of January 1 222,018 32,801 111,087 55,367 0 421,273
As of January 1, adjusted 222,018 32,801 111,087 55,367 0 421,273
Depreciation and amortization 41,654 24,691 10,751 7,555 0 84,651
Impairment 0 0 2 2 0 4
Disposals -8,185 -718 -1,616 -2,628 0 -13,147
Exchange rate differences 2 11 256 21 0 290
As of December 31 ­255,489 ­56,785 ­120,480 ­60,317 ­0 ­493,071
Carrying amounts as of December 31 ­422,719 ­90,957 ­47,421 ­24,240 ­13,656 ­598,993

Advance payments and assets under construction of EUR 7,758,000 (previous year: EUR 13,656,000) related exclusively to assets under construction.

No financing costs were capitalized for qualifying assets.

The right-of-use assets from rental agreements and leases included in property, plant and equipment are shown in note 14.

There are no other assets reported under property, plant and equipment that are eligible to be used as collateral for non-current loans. For right-of-use assets recognized in accordance with IFRS 16, title is not transferred for security purposes, as legal ownership remains with the lessor.

The assets included in property, plant and equipment for which there is an operating lease developed as follows:

EUR thousand
Land, land rights and buildings, including buildings on third-party land Handling equipment Technical plant and machinery Other equipment, operating and office equipment Advance payments and assets under construction Total
As of January 1 69,033 1,678 64,362 8,559 0 143,632
Additions 1,611 259 11,320 100 57 13,347
Disposals 0 -276 -185 -580 0 -1,041
Reclassifications 1,379 0 0 0 0 1,379
As of December 31 72,023 1,661 75,497 8,079 57 157,317
Depreciation and amortization expense, impairment losses            
As of January 1 28,617 1,354 50,156 7,464 0 87,591
Depreciation and amortization 2,209 118 4,181 307 0 6,815
Disposals 0 -276 -174 -573 0 -1,023
As of December 31 30,826 1,196 54,163 7,198 0 93,383
Carrying amounts as of December 31 41,197 465 21,334 881 57 63,934
EUR thousand
Land, land rights and buildings, including buildings on third-party land Handling equipment Technical plant and machinery Other equipment, operating and office equipment Advance payments and assets under construction Total
As of January 1 69,055 1,637 64,323 8,511 9 143,535
Additions 4 41 39 85 0 169
Disposals -26 0 0 -38 0 -64
Reclassifications 0 0 0 1 -9 -8
As of December 31 69,033 1,678 64,362 8,559 0 143,632
Depreciation and amortization expense, impairment losses            
As of January 1 26,504 1,228 46,562 7,137 0 81,431
Depreciation and amortization 2,123 126 3,594 359 0 6,202
Disposals -10 0 0 -32 0 -42
As of December 31 28,617 1,354 50,156 7,464 0 87,591
Carrying amounts as of December 31 40,416 324 14,206 1,095 0 56,041

14. Leases

BLG as lessee


BLG LOGISTICS’ leases primarily cover land, buildings and wharfs. They relate mainly to heritable building rights in the ports of Bremen and Bremerhaven and have remaining terms of up to 28 years. The Group thus secures long-term rights of use to the land required for operations. In addition there are mainly leases for railroad cars, industrial trucks, conveyor systems, HGVs, passenger cars and tractor trucks, which have terms of mainly between three and ten years.

A number of property leases contain extension or termination options. All facts and circumstances that offer an economic incentive to exercise extension options or not to exercise termination options are taken into account when determining the term of leases. Changes in the term of a lease as a result of exercising or not exercising options are taken into account only when they are reasonably certain. As extension or termination options are often agreed in line with corresponding clauses in contracts with customers, the exercise of these options is reviewed in parallel with the contract negotiations with customers. At the same time, potential future cash outflows that are not currently included in the lease liabilities are offset by a similar amount of potential future cash inflows from contracts with customers. The modified lease payments are to be discounted at the interest rate on the date of the lease modification.

In addition, the heritable building right contracts in particular provide for an adjustment of the ground rent on the basis of the consumer price index every five years. The lease payments are stated at the index level applicable at the respective measurement date. The last adjustment was made in 2015. The increase planned for the reporting period was deferred to support Bremen’s port and logistics industry in connection with the coronavirus crisis in 2020. These are index-based variable payments, which are accounted for from the date the adjustment of the lease payments takes effect, using an unchanged discount rate.

In most of the leases for railroad cars, the Group has granted residual value guarantees in light of the uncertainties regarding future sales proceeds and the lessors’ requirement that BLG LOGISTICS participate in the risks. Only the amounts that are expected to be paid are included in the lease payments. Estimates are based on the expected residual values of the railroad cars at the end of the lease term. They are regularly reviewed and, if necessary, adjusted using an unchanged discount rate. Residual value guarantees of no more than EUR 17.8 million (previous year: EUR 21.2 million) (undiscounted) are not expected to result in payments, so no amounts for residual value guarantees were included in the lease liabilities as of December 31, 2020. There are also a small number of options to purchase railroad cars at fair value.

Recognition and measurement

BLG LOGISTICS as a lessee recognizes assets for the right to use the leased assets and liabilities for the payment obligations entered into. They are recognized at the date from which the underlying asset is available for the Group’s use.

IFRS 16 is not applied to leases for intangible assets. BLG LOGISTICS exercises the option for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets and recognizes payments for these leases on a straight-line basis as expenses in the income statement. In the case of contracts that contain other components besides lease components, these components are not separated.

The “COVID-19-related rent concessions” practical relief introduced with the amendment to IFRS 16 was applied to heritable building right contracts and quay utilization contracts. In addition to the postponed increase scheduled for the reporting year, the concession included the interest-free deferral of the payment of ground rents and quay usage charges for the second to fourth quarters of 2020 in the amount of EUR 12,797,000. The present value from the deferral of EUR 121,000 was recognized in interest income. The deferred amounts will be paid in the course of the 2021 financial year. In the case of the other leases, no rent concessions were granted by the contractual partners.

The right-of-use assets are measured at cost, comprising the present value of the outstanding lease payments and lease payments made to the lessor on or before commencement of the lease less lease incentives received, initial direct costs and, if applicable, the estimated costs to dismantle the underlying assets.

Subsequently, the right-of-use assets are depreciated over the shorter of the term of the lease and the useful life in line with the rules for comparable own assets and, if necessary, impaired (see also note 12 under the “Impairment” section).

These are grouped with acquired assets for reporting purposes, taking into account the asset class.

The lease liabilities are measured at the present value of the outstanding lease payments. They are discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease, if that rate can be determined. Alternatively, they are discounted at the incremental borrowing rate.

The lease payments include fixed lease payments, less lease incentives to be received from the lessor, variable lease payments linked to an index or interest rate, expected payments resulting from residual value guarantees, the exercise price of a purchase option if the exercise is reasonably certain, and penalties payable if termination options are exercised, if their exercise is reasonably certain.

After initial recognition, the lease liabilities are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Interest cost is therefore computed for lease liabilities on the basis of an amount resulting in a constant periodic discount rate for the remaining liabilities. This corresponds to the discount rate determined at the commencement date of the lease, unless a reassessment requires a change in the discount rate. This is the case if changes in the estimate regarding exercise or non-exercise of purchase, extension or termination options arise or changes to the scope, amount of contractual payments or the term of the lease are agreed. Remeasurements using an unchanged discount rate must be made in the event of changes in variable payments linked to an index or interest rate or changes in the estimate of the payments expected to be made under residual value guarantees. Amounts from a remeasurement of the lease liability are recognized at the same time as an adjustment to the right-of-use asset. If the value of the right to use the leased asset is reduced to zero, the remaining adjustment amount is to be recognized in the income statement. Lease payments made less the interest expenses included therein reduce the carrying amount of the lease liabilities.

Right-of-use assets

The following table shows the separate carrying amounts for rights to use leased assets that are included in property, plant and equipment.

EUR thousand 2020 2019
Land, land rights and buildings, including buildings on third-party land 259,855 266,504
Handling equipment 39,202 50,298
Technical plant and machinery 153 5,982
Other equipment, operating and office equipment 1,858 2,415
Total 301,068 325,199

The additions to right-of-use assets in the 2020 financial year amounted to EUR 37,869,000 (previous year: EUR 30,041,000).

The corresponding lease liabilities are recognized under financial liabilities. Please refer to note 24.

Income statement

The following amounts were recognized in the income statement in connection with leases in which BLG LOGISTICS is the lessee.

EUR thousand 2020 2019
Depreciation and amortization expense, impairment losses    
Land, land rights and buildings, including buildings on third-party land 31,539 30,317
Handling equipment 20,548 19,388
Technical plant and machinery 858 3,995
Other equipment, operating and office equipment 1,593 1,316
  54,538 55,016
Other operating expenses    
Expenses for short-term leases 15,405 19,248
Expenses for leases of low-value assets 887 953
  16,292 20,201
Interest expense    
Interest expenses from lease liabilities 11,338 11,521
  11,338 11,521
Total 82,168 86,738

Total payments for leases in the financial year amounted to EUR 88,183,000 (previous year: EUR 99,365,000).

In addition to the above amounts, adjustments to the lease liabilities of EUR 121,000 arising from the deferral of payments relating to heritable building right contracts and quay utilization contracts were recognized in interest income in the corresponding amount.

BLG as lessor


The Group has subleases for land, buildings, wharfs and operating equipment. The terms of these subleases in the main correspond with those of the head leases.

The subleases largely relate to the rights and obligations, transferred under usage transfer agreements, arising from the heritable building rights of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (municipality) for properties necessary for the business of the EUROGATE Group. Further information is given in note 15 in the “Joint ventures” section.

Recognition and measurement

As lessor, BLG LOGISTICS classifies leases at commencement as an operating lease or a finance lease.

If the lease transfers in substance all the risks and rewards of ownership, the lease is a finance lease. If this is not the case, the lease is an operating lease.

As intermediate lessor, the Group recognizes the head lease and the sublease separately. If the head lease is a short-term lease for which the recognition option is exercised, the sublease must be classified as an operating lease. In all other cases, the sublease is classified on the basis of the right-of-use asset from the head lease instead of the underlying asset.

In the case of operating leases, the lease payments received are recognized through profit or loss in revenue or other operating income, depending on the items to which they relate.

In the case of finance leases, the leased asset or right-of-use asset from the head lease is derecognized, and a lease receivable is recognized in the amount of the net investment in the lease. Interest income is recognized over the term of the leases in the amount that results in a constant periodic rate of return on the remaining lease receivables. After initial recognition, the lease receivables are reduced by the lease payments received less the interest income included therein. Loss allowances for lease receivables reported in net profit or loss are recognized on the basis of expected credit losses according to the general approach. Please also refer to note 16.

Lease receivables

In the table below, the undiscounted future lease payments from finance leases are presented by due date and reconciled with the recognized lease receivables.

EUR thousand 12/31/2020 12/31/2019
One year or less 23,045 19,798
More than one and less than 2 years 14,136 15,039
More than 2 and less than 3 years 13,598 10,613
More than 3 and less than 4 years 11,307 10,347
More than 4 and less than 5 years 10,939 9,566
More than 5 years 216,691 223,053
Total undiscounted lease payments 289,716 288,416
Unrealized interest income 74,591 78,330
Lease receivables (net investment in the lease) 215,125 210,086

Income statement

The following amounts were recognized in the income statement in connection with leases in which BLG LOGISTICS is the lessor.

EUR thousand 2020 2019
Income from operating leases 11,576 10,928
  11,576 10,928
Other operating income    
Income from operating leases 1,425 1,462
Income from subleases 606 698
  2,031 2,160
Interest income    
Interest income from lease receivables 6,209 6,069
  6,209 6,069
Total 19,816 19,157

In the table below, the undiscounted future lease payments from operating leases are presented by due date.

EUR thousand 12/31/2020 12/31/2019
One year or less 7,909 6,950
More than one and less than 2 years 2,064 1,425
More than 2 and less than 3 years 1,509 1,532
More than 3 and less than 4 years 1,020 0
More than 4 and less than 5 years 633 0
More than 5 years 504 0
Total undiscounted lease payments 13,639 9,907

15. Equity interests in companies accounted for using the equity method

Equity interests in associates and joint ventures are generally measured using the equity method of accounting. Starting with the cost at the time of the acquisition of the shares, the carrying amount of the investment is increased or decreased by the profit or loss, the changes in other comprehensive income and the other changes in equity of the companies to the extent these are attributable to the shares held by BLG LOGISTICS. In the case of proportionate losses that exceed the carrying amount of an investment accounted for using the equity method, these are also eliminated through profit or loss against non-current loans or receivables attributable to the net investment in the investee. After the application of the equity method, testing must also be carried out to determine whether there are any indications of impairment of the net investment in the investee.

EUR thousand 12/31/2020 12/31/2019
Investments in joint ventures 94,840 154,616
Investments in associates 3,822 3,556
Total 98,662 158,172

Joint ventures

The change in the carrying amount of the investments in joint ventures was primarily the result of reductions due to proportionate shares in the net profit (loss) for the year (EUR -62,775,000, previous year: EUR 21,689,000), increases due to contributions (EUR 3,768,000, previous year: EUR 12,057,000), changes in other reserves due to the remeasurement of pensions (EUR 565,000, previous year: EUR -10,402,000), the fair-value measurement of financial instruments (EUR 107,000, previous year: EUR 46,000) and other changes (EUR 2,023,000, previous year: EUR -561,000), and decreases due to distributions (EUR -536,000, previous year: EUR -12,697,000) and currency differences (EUR -2,928,000, previous year: EUR 1,686,000). In the previous year, changes in the group of consolidated companies were also included with EUR 1,499,000.

Information about significant joint ventures is presented below.

EUROGATE GmbH & Co. KGaA, KG, Bremen, is a joint venture of BLG KG and EUROKAI GmbH & Co. KGaA, Hamburg, which is structured as an independent entity. BLG KG’s interest in the joint venture and its equity investments is 50 percent (previous year: 50 percent) and represents the CONTAINER Division. With this investment, the Group receives rights to the joint venture’s net assets rather than rights to its assets and the obligations arising from its liabilities.

The IFRS subgroup financial statements of the EUROGATE Group are consolidated using the equity method. EUROGATE GmbH & Co. KGaA, KG and its subsidiaries are accordingly included in the list of shareholdings under the item “Companies accounted for using the equity method”. No listed market price is available for EUROGATE GmbH & Co. KGaA, KG.

The services of the CONTAINER Division are described in note 2.

For the properties necessary for its business, BLG KG has transferred to the EUROGATE Group under usage transfer agreements the rights and obligations arising from the heritable building rights of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (municipality).

In the usage transfer agreements, BLG KG undertakes to pay compensation to the EUROGATE Group for buildings erected on the properties used at the expiration of the usage transfer agreement or upon extraordinary termination. The compensation is based on the market value of the buildings. In addition, BLG KG irrevocably surrenders its claims for compensation to the EUROGATE Group upon exercise of the right to reversion under the heritable building right contract by the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (municipality).

The EUROGATE Group provides technical services for BLG LOGISTICS and pays for electricity used. This is based on the takeover of the electricity supply network in the Bremen seaport in Bremerhaven by “Sondervermögen Hafen” effective January 1, 2008.

In Segment reporting and note 3, this joint venture is represented by the CONTAINER Division.

The following table summarizes the financial information of the IFRS subgroup financial statements of EUROGATE GmbH & Co. KGaA, KG and reconciles this information with the carrying amounts of the investments in joint ventures.

EUR thousand 12/31/2020 12/31/2019
Non-current assets 1,000,980 1,133,503
Current assets 259,042 252,651
Non-current liabilities -897,982 -922,744
Current liabilities -182,415 -166,869
Net assets 179,625 296,541
Equity interest in % 50.0 50.0
Share of net assets 89,813 148,271
Other equity attributable to non-controlling interests -378 -189
Group share of net assets (= equity carrying amount) 89,435 148,082

Current assets included cash and cash equivalents of EUR 142,719,000 (previous year: EUR 129,608,000).

EUR 663,712,000 of the non-current liabilities (previous year: EUR 702,941,000) and EUR 108,272,000 of the current liabilities (previous year: EUR 119,166,000) were attributable to financial liabilities (in each case excluding trade payables, other liabilities and provisions). The financial liabilities resulted with EUR 368,358,000 (previous year: EUR 392,887,000) from non-current and with EUR 22,438,000 (previous year: EUR 20,958,000) from current lease liabilities.

EUR thousand 2020 2019
Revenue 527,044 564,607
Depreciation and amortization -66,738 -65,548
Impairment -73,968 -250
Other interest and similar income 1,901 2,083
Interest and similar expenses -19,500 -20,978
Taxes on income 13,444 -1,884
Net profit (loss) for the year -121,103 45,514
Other comprehensive income (loss), net of income tax -3,348 -17,950
Total comprehensive income (loss) -124,451 27,564

EUR -60,740,000 of the net loss for the year (previous year: net profit of EUR 22,737,000) and EUR -1,674,000 of other comprehensive income, net of income taxes (previous year: EUR -8,975,000), was attributable to BLG LOGISTICS.

Dividends received from EUROGATE GmbH & Co. KGaA, KG totaled EUR 0 (previous year: EUR 12,559,000). Payment of the previous year’s dividend is made in the following year. EUR 3,768,000 (previous year: EUR 11,617,000) of the net profit of the previous year was reinvested.

EUR thousand 2020 2019
Cash flow from operating activities 85,809 60,287
Cash flow from investing activities -18,961 -76,426
Cash flow from financing activities -53,737 -7,688
Net change in cash and cash equivalents 13,111 -23,827
Cash and cash equivalents at start of financial year 129,295 153,122
Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year 142,406 129,295
Composition of cash and cash equivalents    
Cash 142,719 129,608
Current liabilities to banks -313 -313
Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year 142,406 129,295

The individual remaining equity interests in joint ventures held by BLG LOGISTICS are considered immaterial. The following table summarizes the carrying amounts, the share in net profit (loss) for the year and the share in the other comprehensive income of these equity investments:

EUR thousand 2020 2019
Carrying amount of investments in other joint ventures 5,405 6,534
Share of    
Net profit (loss) for the year -2,035 -1,048
Other comprehensive income (loss) -582 305
Proportionate share of total comprehensive income (loss) -2,617 -743

The proportionate share of net profit (loss) for the year results in full from continuing operations.

In the 2020 financial year, negative shares of EUR 773,000 (previous year: EUR 148,000) and positive shares of EUR 0 (previous year: EUR 0) in the total comprehensive income of joint ventures were not included in the Group comprehensive income. At the reporting date, the cumulative negative shares in total comprehensive income at joint ventures not recognized in the Group comprehensive income totaled EUR 863,000 (previous year: EUR 349,000).


The change in the carrying amount of the investments in associates was primarily the result of increases due to proportionate shares in the net profit (loss) for the year (EUR 1,069,000, previous year: EUR 1,098,000), changes in other reserves due to the remeasurement of pensions (EUR -42,000, previous year: EUR -49,000), and decreases due to distributions (EUR -677,000, previous year: EUR -576,000), currency translation differences (EUR -97,000, previous year: EUR 30,000) and other changes (EUR 13,000, previous year: EUR -39,000). As in the previous year, there were no changes in the group of consolidated companies in the reporting year.

The investments in associates held by BLG LOGISTICS are individually immaterial.

The following table summarizes the carrying amounts, the shares in net profit (loss) for the year attributable to BLG LOGISTICS and the proportionate share in the other comprehensive income (loss) of these equity investments:

EUR thousand 2020 2019
Carrying amount of investments in associates 3,822 3,556
Share of    
Net profit (loss) for the year 1,069 1,098
Other comprehensive income (loss) -139 -19
Proportionate share of total comprehensive income (loss) 930 1,079

The proportionate share of net profit (loss) for the year results in full from continuing operations.

In the 2020 financial year, negative shares of EUR 12,000 (previous year: EUR 0) in the total comprehensive income of associates were not included in the Group comprehensive income.

16. Finance receivables

Please refer to note 14 for information on the measurement of lease receivables.

The finance receivables from shareholder accounts in companies accounted for using the equity method relate to profit shares from partnerships classified as debt instruments. As the profit shares are not capital repayments but capital returns, they are measured at fair value through profit or loss.

The other finance receivables of BLG LOGISTICS comprise finance receivables and claims under equity instruments from companies accounted for using the equity method, shareholders and third parties, for which the payments are solely payments of principal and interest and which are held to generate contractual cash flows. They are therefore measured at amortized cost. Interest income is recognized pro rata temporis in the income statement, taking the effective interest return into account. Foreign exchange differences and gains and losses on derecognition are likewise recognized through profit or loss.

Loss allowances for finance receivables reported in profit or loss are recognized on the basis of expected credit losses according to the general approach. According to this approach, a loss allowance is recognized for financial assets whose credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition in the amount of the credit losses expected to occur within the next 12 months.

For financial assets for which credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, a loss allowance must be recognized in the amount of the lifetime expected credit losses.

Qualitative and quantitative indicators are taken into account when determining whether there has been a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition. These include historical data, the agreement of forbearance measures and contractual payments that are more than 30 days past due. If financial assets are more than 90 days past due, they are classified as impaired. Loss allowances are recognized if a formal dunning process has been initiated or knowledge has been obtained about the insolvency of a customer.

Financial assets are generally derecognized when BLG LOGISTICS loses control of the underlying rights wholly or in part by selling or discharging them or transferring them to a third party in a manner that qualifies for derecognition. A transfer to a third party qualifies for derecognition when the contractual rights to the cash flows from assets are surrendered, no arrangements for the retention of individual cash flows exist, all the risks and rewards are transferred to the third party and BLG LOGISTICS no longer has control over the assets.

EUR thousand 2020
Lease receivables 17,433 197,692 14,179 195,907
Finance receivables from cash management at equity investments 7,429 0 0 0
Other receivables from shareholders 2,820 0 2,651 0
Finance receivables from shareholder accounts in companies accounted for using the equity method 1,003 0 12,787 0
Other loans 126 11 135 15
Loans to companies accounted for using the equity method 12 0 165 764
Miscellaneous other finance receivables 3,456 25 4,373 163
Total 32,280 197,729 34,290 196,849

The lease receivables included EUR 5,817,000 of receivables for payments of ground rent deferred in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, which will be repaid in 2021.

As in the previous year, loans to companies accounted for using the equity method are made at interest rates of between 3 and 6 percent.

Due to their fixed interest rates, the loans are subject to an interest rate-linked market price risk; this is not significant for BLG LOGISTICS considering the amount and maturity of receivables.

The maximum exposure to credit risk corresponds to the carrying amount; there are no indications of significant concentrations of credit risk.

The credit risk and the expected credit losses for finance receivables measured at amortized cost were as follows as of December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019:

EUR thousand

12 months Residual maturity Total
    Non-impaired Impaired  
Loans to companies accounted for using the equity method 0 12 4,109 4,121
Other loans 137 0 0 137
Other receivables from shareholders 2,820 0 0 2,820
Finance receivables from cash management at equity investments 7,429 0 0 7,429
Finance receivables from finance leases 215,126 0 0 215,126
Miscellaneous other finance receivables 3,482 0 0 3,482
Nominal amounts 228,994 12 4,109 233,115
Loss allowances 0 0 -4,109 -4,109
Carrying amounts 228,994 12 0 229,006
EUR thousand

12 months Residual maturity Total
    Non-impaired Impaired  
Loans to companies accounted for using the equity method 764 165 2,711 3,640
Other loans 150 0 0 150
Other receivables from shareholders 2,651 0 0 2,651
Finance receivables from finance leases 210,086 0 0 210,086
Miscellaneous other finance receivables 4,536 0 0 4,536
Nominal amounts 218,187 165 2,711 221,063
Loss allowances 0 0 -2,711 -2,711
Carrying amounts 218,187 165 0 218,352

Loss allowances for finance receivables developed as follows:

EUR thousand
12 months Residual maturity Total
    Non-impaired Impaired  
Amount as of the beginning of the financial year 0 0 2,711 2,711
Loss allowances for the financial year        
Transfers 0 0 1,410 1,410
Reversals 0 0 -12 -12
Amount as of the end of the financial year 0 0 4,109 4,109
EUR thousand
12 months Residual maturity Total
    Non-impaired Impaired  
Amount as of the beginning of the financial year 0 0 2,741 2,741
Loss allowances for the financial year        
Transfers 0 0 90 90
Reversals 0 0 -120 -120
Amount as of the end of the financial year 0 0 2,711 2,711

17. Inventories

The inventories line item comprises raw materials, consumables and supplies, work in progress and finished goods and merchandise. Initial recognition is at acquisition cost, determined on the basis of average prices, or at production cost. Production cost includes all direct production costs as well as appropriate portions of production overheads and is determined on the basis of normal capacity utilization. Financing costs are not taken into account.

The measurement at the end of the reporting period is at the lower of cost or net realizable value less costs due and, where appropriate, other incurred costs of completion. The net realizable value of the final product is generally taken as a basis.

EUR thousand 12/31/2020 12/31/2019
Raw materials, consumables and supplies 15,446 9,942
Finished goods and merchandise 4 4
Total 15,450 9,946

Inventories are not pledged as collateral for liabilities. Loss allowances of EUR 185,000 (previous year: EUR 83,000) were recognized on inventories as of December 31, 2020. The inventories recognized as expenses in the reporting year amounted to EUR 70,075,000 (previous year:
EUR 61,008,000).

18. Trade Receivables, Other Assets and Assets Held for Sale

Trade receivables

Trade receivables are recognized from the settlement date and held in order to generate contractual cash flows. They are therefore measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.

Loss allowances reported in net profit or loss are recognized on the basis of expected credit losses using the simplified approach. According to this approach, the amount of the loss allowance is to be determined on the basis of the lifetime expected credit losses. Changes in credit risk do not have to be tracked. Loss allowances are reported net in the income statement.

At BLG LOGISTICS the expected credit losses are calculated on the basis of the historical credit loss rates of the last five years according to past-due time bands, adjusted for management estimates regarding the future development of the economic environment, especially estimates of the credit rating of major customers and general economic conditions. In the reporting year, the impacts of the global coronavirus pandemic were taken into account by increasing the future element.

Trade receivables are derecognized upon realization (expiration) or transfer of the receivables to a third party. In addition, trade receivables are derecognized if the inflow of cash is unlikely.

Trade receivables are non-interest bearing, payable within one year and are not to be used as collateral for liabilities. The average credit term is 72 days (previous year: 67 days). The maximum exposure to credit risk corresponds to the carrying amount; there are no indications of significant concentrations of credit risk.

EUR thousand 12/31/2020 12/31/2020
Receivables from third parties 209,640 214,578
Receivables from affiliated companies 26 73
Receivables from long-term investees 1,829 1,448
Total 211,495 216,099

The credit risk and the expected credit losses for trade receivables were as follows as of December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019:

EUR thousand

Expected credit loss rate (weighted average) Nominal amounts Loss allowances Carrying amounts
Not past due 0.8% 175,447 -1,321 174,126
Less than 30 days 0.5% 23,180 -106 23,074
Between 30 and 90 days 1.6% 7,076 -112 6,964
Between 91 and 180 days 6.9% 2,925 -202 2,723
More than 180 days 36.3% 7,233 -2,625 4,608
Total   215,861 -4,366 211,495
EUR thousand

Expected credit loss rate (weighted average) Nominal amounts Loss allowances Carrying amounts
Not past due 0.4% 178,874 -674 178,200
Less than 30 days 0.4% 27,452 -118 27,334
Between 30 and 90 days 0.7% 4,370 -31 4,339
Between 91 and 180 days 43.2% 3,730 -1,611 2,119
More than 180 days 38.8% 6,709 -2,602 4,107
Total   221,135 -5,036 216,099

Loss allowances for trade receivables developed as follows:

EUR thousand ­2020 2019
Amount as of the beginning of the financial year 5,036 3,176
Changes in group of consolidated companies -114 0
Loss allowances for the financial year ­  ­ 
- Transfers 1,174 2,058
- Reversals -202 -132
- Changes in exchange rates -7 2
Use/derecognition of receivables -1,521 -68
Amount as of the end of the financial year ­4,366 ­5,036

In the reporting year, there were also derecognitions of trade receivables of EUR 213,000 (previous year: EUR 253,000), which are reported in the net gains/losses from impairment.

Other financial and non-financial assets

Other assets mainly comprise contract assets. Other financial assets include financial investments, derivative financial instruments (see note 32), and, where appropriate, securities classified as current assets. Other financial assets are recognized at the settlement date. BLG LOGISTICS only holds very small amounts of securities held as current assets.

EUR thousand 12/31/2020


12/31/2019 Current 12/31/2019 Non-current
Other financial assets ­  ­  ­  ­ 
Investments in affiliated companies 0 342 0 343
Other financial investments 0 141 0 143
Miscellaneous financial liabilities 3,005 45 3,041 49
  ­3,005 ­528 ­3,041 ­535
Other non-financial assets ­  ­  ­  ­ 
Contract assets (note 4) 6,429 0 6,514 0
Receivables from tax and customs authorities 2,209 0 2,741 0
Prepaid expenses 946 0 1,045 0
Receivables from German Infection Protection Act 423 0 0 0
Receivables from Agentur für Arbeit (Labor Agency) 271 0 0 0
Miscellaneous non-financial assets 402 0 781 0
  ­10,680 ­0 ­11,082 ­0
Total ­13,685 ­528 ­14,123 ­535

Financial investments include investments in affiliated companies and other long-term equity investments. These are long-term investments that are measured at fair value through other comprehensive income as equity instruments, exercising the option provided by IFRS 9. Even when the equity instruments are disposed of, gains and losses from the measurement of the equity investments are not reclassified to the income statement but to retained earnings. Dividends are recognized through profit or loss, unless they are capital repayments.

The measurement of equity investments at fair value required by IFRS 9 is only forgone if the equity investments are immaterial and there is no active market for the measurement of fair value.

The Group’s accounting policies for contract assets are presented in note 4.

Other financial and non-financial assets are stated at their nominal values. Other financial and non-financial assets are non-interest bearing and are not used as collateral for liabilities.

Investments in affiliated companies

Investments in affiliated companies mainly comprise the non-consolidated general partner companies of the fully consolidated operational limited partnerships.

Other equity investments

Other equity investments include companies with dormant or only limited operations in which BLG AG or BLG KG is directly or indirectly entitled to at least 20 percent of the voting rights and which are of only minor importance for giving a true and fair view of the net assets, financial position and results of operations of BLG LOGISTICS.

Current assets classified as held for sale

Under an agreement dated February 23, 2021, BLG Handelslogistik GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen, sold all of its shares in BLG Logistics Solutions Italia S.r.l. with effect from the same date. The background behind this decision is that in Europe BLG wishes to have a more strategic focus on Germany. Consequently, the assets of EUR 3,403,000 and liabilities of EUR 3,812,000 were classified in the financial statements as of December 31, 2020 as held for sale. The assets and liabilities are attributable exclusively to the CONTRACT Division.

19. Cash and cash equivalents

EUR thousand 12/31/2020 12/31/2019
Current account balances 3,342 4,842
Overnight loans and short-­
term time deposits
9,966 16,678
Cash 49 49
Total 13,357 21,569

Cash and cash equivalents are subject to the impairment requirements of IFRS 9. No impairment was recognized, as the cash and cash equivalents are primarily held with banks in the European Union and mainly in euros and the requirements have no material effect. As there have been no bad debts in the past and there are no identifiable indicators of future bad debts, they are recognized at nominal value.

Bank balances earn interest at floating rates for demand deposits. Short-term deposits are made for periods varying between one day and one month, depending on the immediate cash requirements of the Group. They earn interest at the current short-term deposit interest rate.