Anteil Frauen an der GesamtbelegschaftGesamtenergieverbrauch
Reporting 2022

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

EUR thousand Note 2022 2021
Earnings before taxes 55,722 52,226
Depreciation, amortization and impairment of and loss allowances on non-current intangible assets, property, plant and equipment, right-of-use assets, financial assets and non-current finance receivables 89,108 80,825
Reversals of impairments of non-current finance receivables -2,664 0
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment -1,075 -7,713
Net income (net loss) of companies accounted for using the equity method -77,705 -62,302
Net income (net loss) of other investees -2 -82
Net interest income (expense) 8,862 9,363
Other non-cash events 11,231 -28,738
83,477 43,579
Change in trade receivables -7,894 34,503
Change in other assets -12,504 7,475
Change in inventories -470 -1,659
Change in government grants 115 76
Change in provisions 8,872 -12,729
Change in trade payables 14,342 2,556
Change in other liabilities 11,066 9,497
13,527 39,719
Interest received 3,345 7,923
Interest paid -17,664 -16,008
Taxes on income and earnings paid -4,251 -7,648
-18,570 -15,733
Cash flows from operating activities 78,434 67,565
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 1,645 82,260
Cash payments to acquire property, plant and equipment and intangible assets -42,366 -68,131
Cash payments to acquire companies accounted for using the equity method -25 -14
Cash payments for advances and loans made to investees -563 -570
Cash receipts from repayment of advances and loans made to investees 19 12
Proceeds from/payments for company acquisitions minus cash acquired 0 50
Cash receipts from payment of lease receivables 19,921 19,799
Dividends received 1,267 1,109
Cash flows from investing activities -20,102 34,515
Proceeds from capital contributions by company owners 0 53,000
Cash receipts from repayment of loans made to company owners 735 2,820
Cash payments for advances and loans made to company owners -870 -735
Cash payments made to company owners -11,145 -12,595
Cash proceeds from borrowings 33,829 47,241
Cash payments from redemption of financial borrowings -30,547 -42,631
Cash payments from repayment of lease liabilities -62,859 -73,250
Cash flows from financing activities 37 -70,857 -26,150
Net change in cash and cash equivalents -12,525 75,930
Change in cash and cash equivalents due to changes in the basis of consolidation -1,289 0
Change in cash and cash equivalents due to currency translation differences -261 -549
Cash and cash equivalents at start of financial year 11,440 -63,941
Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year 37 -2,635 11,440
Composition of cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year
Cash 18,403 33,010
Current liabilities to banks -21,038 -21,570
-2,635 11,440