As the personally liable general partner of BLG LOGISTICS GROUP AG & Co. KG (BLG KG), the listed company BREMER
LAGERHAUS-GESELLSCHAFT -Aktiengesellschaft von 1877- (BLG AG) has assumed the management of the BLG Group. These two
companies, which are closely linked in legal, commercial and organizational respects, have prepared the consolidated
financial statements as joint parents.
BLG AG does not hold any share capital in BLG KG and is also not entitled to participate in the company’s profits. It
receives remuneration for the liability it has assumed and for its business management activities. All limited
partnership shares of BLG KG are held by the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (municipality). The business of BLG KG is
managed by the Board of Management of BLG AG as a governing body of the general partner. The Board of Management is
fully accountable for managing the business in accordance with Section 76 (1) of the German Stock Corporation Act
(AktG) and is not subject to instructions from the shareholders.
Legal structure of the Group as of December 31, 2022.
The BLG Group operates externally under the brand BLG LOGISTICS. BLG LOGISTICS is a seaport-oriented logistics
service provider with an international network. We have a presence in all the world’s growth markets, with over 100
companies and offices in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. We offer our customers in industry and retailing
complex logistics system services.
As a strategic management holding company, BLG KG focuses on strategic developments at Group level. As a result, the
holding company’s influence on the operating business is greater than that of a pure financial holding company, but
it is also significantly less than in the case of an operational management holding company. The Board of Management
members responsible for the three divisions AUTOMOBILE, CONTRACT and CONTAINER play a special role as an interface
to the operating units. The Board of Management determines the Group strategy by creating strategic guidelines at
Group level; together with the operations managers, the relevant Board of Management member determines the strategy
at division level within the framework of the Group strategy and is responsible for the strategic management of the
division. Fulfillment of the respective strategies is supported by the central departments.
In accordance with its defined mission, BLG LOGISTICS aims to make logistics simpler for its customers, so that they
can focus on being successful in the market.
BLG LOGISTICS operates in three divisions. The reporting also follows this structure.
The AUTOMOBILE and CONTRACT Divisions are subdivided into business areas and/or regions. Responsibility for the
operational management of the business areas/regions, including earnings responsibility, lies with the relevant
business area/regional managers. The Group management of the EUROGATE GmbH & Co. KGaA, KG subgroup is responsible
for the CONTAINER Division.
The AUTOMOBILE Division is a leading technical and logistics service provider for the international automotive
industry. In the 2022 financial year, our worldwide AUTOMOBILE network handled, transported or technically processed
4.7 million vehicles.
In this division, BLG LOGISTICS offers multimodal transport concepts with global logistics reach and dovetails
customized and innovative technical service packages. Distribution takes place by road, rail and inland waterway. In
addition to the seaport terminals in Bremen, Bremerhaven, Cuxhaven, Hamburg (all Germany) and in Gdansk (Poland),
the AUTOMOBILE Division also operates several inland terminals on the Rhine and the Danube. Our truck fleet bases
extend right across Europe.
BLG AutoRail is a specialist provider of vehicle transport services by rail, with its own fleet of 1,500 open
double-deck railroad cars including 200 flat wagons. This means that the logistics supply chain from the vehicle
manufacturers to the end customer is fully covered.
Our wheels never stop turning: BLG’s AUTOMOBILE Division consistently supplements its logistics network with smart
digital solutions and sustainable concepts for climate-friendly transport.
The CONTRACT Division manages complex projects and offers our customers reliable logistics solutions. The focus of
our know-how and experience lies in procurement, production and distribution logistics as well as in reverse and
spare parts logistics. We offer storage, transport, packing and unpacking services, handle conventional orders, e
commerce issues and also a variety of value-added services.
As logistics architects, we design, configure, implement and operate customized logistics solutions, ranging from
highly automated logistics centers to manual in-house handling. Project management is our core competence, and
sustainability plus agreed, reliable quality are our top priorities.
Our customers are strong brands from industry and retailing, medium-sized companies and the major German and
international car manufacturers. We work at our logistics centers and our customers’ production facilities and
plants at over 40 locations in Europe and overseas. Be it automotive parts, railroad components, sportswear,
printers, fashion, furniture, foodstuffs, sanitary fixtures and fittings or frozen products – our teams of experts
put together customized service packages for a wide variety of goods.
The CONTAINER Division is represented by the EUROGATE joint venture. The EUROGATE Group, in which BLG LOGISTICS holds
a 50 percent stake, is a shipping line–independent container terminal group with operations predominantly in Europe.
Together with the Italian terminal operator CONTSHIP Italia, the company operates a network of 11 container
terminals from the North Sea to the Mediterranean. Secondary services are also available in the form of intermodal
and container-related services.
Changes in the group of consolidated companies
Against the background of the de facto loss of control in connection with the Russian war of aggression, BLG
Logistics Automobile St. Petersburg Co. Ltd., St. Petersburg, Russia, was deconsolidated with effect from December
31, 2022.
In June 2022, BLG AutoTerminal Bremerhaven GmbH & Co. KG, Bremerhaven, founded BLG GLOVIS GmbH, Bremerhaven, as a
joint venture with the shipping company Hyundai GLOVIS. Hyundai GLOVIS will in the coming years use BLG AutoTerminal
Bremerhaven as a European hub for its automobile transports between Asia and Europe. The aim of the joint venture is
to bundle volumes and thus optimize the logistics chains of automobile manufacturers, taking into account transit
times, costs and environmental influences.
Under contract of May 18, 2022, BLG Automobile Logistics Süd-/Osteuropa GmbH, Bremen, sold its shares in Autoterminal
Slask Logistic Sp. z o. o., Dabrowa Gornicza, Poland.
Owing to the discontinuation of business operations, BLG AUTO LOGISTICS OF SOUTH AFRICA (Pty) Ltd., Port Elizabeth,
South Africa, was deconsolidated with effect from December 31, 2022.
In order to expand its business activities, BLG Logistics of South Africa (Pty) Ltd.,
Port Elizabeth, South Africa founded Autovision South Africa (Pty) Ltd., Port Elizabeth, South Africa, together with
partners. The object of the joint venture is the provision of value-creating activities, such as painting car parts.
Research and development
In order to make our customers’ logistics processes fit for the future, we are committed to developing new solutions
on an ongoing basis. At the same time, we focus on continuous process optimization across the entire service
The focus in the reporting year was on the further development of the innovation process, which resulted in closer
cooperation between the innovation team and the operating divisions. In the future, the Technology department will
assume responsibility in the CONTRACT Division for the development of MVPs (minimum viable products) based on new
technologies and their subsequent implementation. This covers topics such as autonomous driving, robots, cobots, AMR
(autonomous mobile robots) and new work. For digitalization activities in the context of data strategies (data
warehouse), AI/BI or digital workflows, “digital services” have been pooled in a newly established team within the
central IT department since 2022, thus giving them a clearer focus.
We are also continuing to collaborate in research and development projects with partners from science and industry
on brand new, particularly complex concepts. Seven such projects were undertaken in 2022.
The “INSERT” project, funded by the European Regional Development Fund, was successfully completed on November 30,
2022 after a project duration of 2.5 years. The goal was to develop an AI-based assistance system for drafting
initial concepts for production and logistics planning. Through collaboration with the planner and the prototype
developed in the project, it was possible to significantly shorten planning processes and enhance the planning
quality of the developed concepts. The four project partners are conducting a close dialog on possible follow-up
activities and the further development of the new tool.
Building on the results of the earlier successful “Isabella” project, the “Isabella 2.0” project launched on July 1,
2020 was continued in the reporting year. The goal is to integrate the loading and unloading of trucks, railroad
cars and ships into the previously developed intelligent management approach. To this end, further digitalization
needs were identified and solutions designed. For example, a dedicated app is being developed to display the loading
plan, including loading sequence management. A dashboard for visualizing Isabella processes is also in the pipeline.
Training programs with existing and newly developed content will be supported in the future by a virtual training
The development of the demonstrator was the focus of the “KITE” research project in 2022. In the demonstrator,
vehicles, existing transport orders, freight exchange orders and AI-generated forecast orders are combined to
optimize transport routes. The goal is to reduce emissions, for example, by avoiding empty runs. In addition, the AI
identifies upselling opportunities that will allow currently unserved regions to be developed in a targeted manner.
A broad database of historical transport data was created for the artificial intelligence.
The “PortSkill 4.0” project launched in 2021 was also continued in the reporting year. One focus here was to survey
and analyze the existing job profiles in the port environment. Studies and analyses were also conducted on the basis
of expert interviews, surveys, workshops and literature research to determine whether and to what extent technical
developments and innovations are suitable for possible application in the port environment. The next step is to
collate the results of the two analyses to define future job profiles in the port and, on this basis, develop
initial training concepts.
“MEXOT,” a new IHATEC (Innovative Port Technologies) research project was launched on January 1, 2022. The aim is to
ensure the holistic ergonomic design of technical workstations and upstream picking activities. For this purpose,
passive exoskeletons are being fitted with measuring sensors and coupled with customizable driverless transport
vehicles (DTV), for example to enable (semi-)automated materials allocation. The ergonomics data will be used to
develop an incentive platform that gives employees direct personal feedback and integrates gamification approaches
to increase motivation.
The “Mobility2Grid (M2G) research campus” and “HyBit” projects were also launched in the reporting year.
Mobility2Grid is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and was launched on March 1, 2022.
In collaboration with many other research and industry partners, the goal through to February 28, 2027 is to develop
efficient and networked systems for a climate-neutral city. The ultimate goal of BLG LOGISTICS is to demonstrate the
feasibility of an electric tractor unit with a megawatt charging system in continuous operation. Its use is being
trialed with the plant supplies for a customer based at the supplier logistics center in Falkensee.
The “HyBit” research project started on September 1, 2022 and is the initial step toward development of a hydrogen
hub in Bremen. The central research question is how hydrogen hubs can contribute to a sustainable and
climate-neutral Europe. BLG LOGISTICS’ project activities focus on cluster mobility and logistics. The aim of the
project is to develop a methodology for analyzing and assessing various hydrogen deployment options, which BLG
LOGISTICS will test under real-world conditions. BLG LOGISTICS will also participate in identifying potential pilot
applications for the use of hydrogen and roughly map these out. HyBit involves a consortium of 18 partners and will
run for 4.5 years.
In 2022, BLG LOGISTICS thus participated in a total of seven cooperation projects with a total project volume of EUR
57.6 million.
Relevant legal and economic factors
BLG LOGISTICS has to observe a wide range of national and international legislation. In addition to regulations under
public law, capital market law, employment law including occupational health and safety legislation, transport and
customs laws and competition law are particularly relevant to us.
Collective pay agreements in Germany are one of the most important economic factors for BLG
LOGISTICS, as a large proportion of the workforce is employed in Germany and personnel expenses for our own as well
as external staff represent a major cost item. Because our business model is capital-intensive in all divisions, the
cost of capital also plays a significant role.
Group control
Management indicators
The key management indicators of BLG LOGISTICS that we apply throughout the Group form the basis for our operational
and strategic management decisions. We use them to set targets, measure the company’ performance and determine the
variable compensation of managerial staff and non-tariff employees – among other factors.
The core management indicators are:
- Revenue
Group revenue is derived from the consolidated statement
of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and does not include the revenue of the CONTAINER Division.
On account of the significant contribution of the CONTAINER Division to earnings,
income from equity investments is also included in EBIT.
Earnings before income and taxes (EBIT) is calculated at BLG LOGISTICS as follows:
- Revenue
- Other income
- Cost of materials
- Personnel expenses
- Depreciation, amortization and impairments
- Other expenses
- Net investment income
Earnings before taxes (EBT) is the basis for determining profitability, independently
of tax effects that cannot be influenced.
This is also suitable for measuring profitability in an international comparison.
EBT margin
Dividing EBT by revenue produces the EBT margin. This is an indicator of a
company’s efficiency and profitability.
Return on capital employed (RoCE) is a key indicator that measures how efficiently
and profitably a company uses its capital. It is calculated by dividing EBIT by the capital employed.
Capital employed at BLG LOGISTICS includes the following components:
- Non-current assets
(incl. financial assets)
- Inventories
- Trade receivables
- Trade payables
The key performance indicators revenue, EBIT, EBT and EBT margin are also determined within the scope of internal
monthly reporting as well as within the scope of corporate planning and forecasts. RoCE is only reported on a
Group-wide basis and will only in the future be included in monthly reporting.
In addition to the above-mentioned indicators, the variable remuneration of the Board of Management and, from the
2023 financial year, also of non-tariff employees, is also measured against the targets for CO2 emissions, the
1,000-employee rate based on work-related accidents, and the proportion of trainees in the total workforce. The
other financial and non-financial key performance indicators are individual management variables depending on the
operating business unit. This includes measurement variables such as vehicle handling, processed quantities, energy
consumption or container handling. In order to assess future developments, we rely on a continuous dialog with
customers and closely monitor overall economic developments in order to be able to react to changes in a timely
For explanations regarding the forecast key performance indicators and the degree to which they were reached in the
2022 financial year, please refer to the Report on Economic Position. The forecast for the current year is
explained in the Outlook.
The number of persons employed in the divisions, excluding the Board of Management as well as apprentices and
trainees, is shown in the table, broken down by division, pursuant to Section 267 (5) HGB (annual average):
3,235 |
3,397 |
-4.8 |
of which blue-collar workers |
2,767 |
2,920 |
of which white-collar workers |
468 |
477 |
CONTRACT Division |
6,266 |
6,599 |
-5.0 |
of which blue-collar workers |
4,959 |
5,292 |
of which white-collar workers |
1,307 |
1,307 |
Geschäftsbereich CONTAINER |
1,605 |
1,582 |
1.5 |
of which blue-collar workers |
1,149 |
1,122 |
of which white-collar workers |
456 |
460 |
Segment employees |
11,106 |
11,578 |
-4.1 |
of which blue-collar workers |
8,875 |
9,334 |
of which white-collar workers |
2,231 |
2,244 |
Services |
386 |
374 |
3.2 |
of which blue-collar workers |
0 |
0 |
of which white-collar workers |
386 |
374 |
Employees incl. CONTAINER Division |
11,492 |
11,952 |
-3.8 |
of which blue-collar workers |
8,875 |
9,334 |
of which white-collar workers |
2,617 |
2,618 |
Less employees of the CONTAINER Division |
-1,605 |
-1,582 |
1.5 |
of which blue-collar workers |
-1,149 |
-1,122 |
of which white-collar workers |
-456 |
-460 |
Employees of BLG LOGISTICS |
9,887 |
10,370 |
-4.7 |
of which blue-collar workers |
7,726 |
8,212 |
of which white-collar workers |
2,161 |
2,158 |
As an international seaport-oriented logistics service provider, BLG LOGISTICS requires committed, motivated and
skilled employees in order to be successful in the market over the long term and to meet the continuous challenges
of globalization and demographic change. Since the 2019 financial year, this has been underscored by a wide range of
measures and campaigns under the motto “#SuccessDependsOnEverybody” spanning all levels from temporary employees to
the Board of Management and all areas and locations of BLG LOGISTICS.
In order to attract, develop and retain its employees, BLG LOGISTICS aims to consistently maintain its image as an
attractive company on the labor market. That is why our personnel policies include options for maintaining a
work–life balance and specific health management mechanisms, as well as performance-related pay and targeted
training opportunities.
The successful implementation of a clear and forward-looking strategy largely depends on BLG LOGISTICS’ management.
Our leadership principles and our corporate values support us in achieving a shared understanding of leadership at
all levels.
In the reporting year, the average number of employees (excluding the CONTAINER Division) decreased by 483 persons
year on year, which is equivalent to 4.7 percent.
This reflected in particular the loss of the Leipzig location in the CONTRACT Division, which was no longer included
in the statistics for the 2022 financial year due to a switch of service provider, as is customary in contract
logistics. On the other hand, new employees were hired in the 2022 financial year at new locations in BLG LOGISTICS’
retail logistics business area. In the AUTOMOBILE Division, the aftereffects of the coronavirus pandemic (falling
demand, difficulties in obtaining parts, reluctance to buy, etc.) resulted in lower staffing requirements, so that,
for example, vacant positions were not immediately filled and fixed-term contracts were not extended.
Employees 2022

Employees by age group

Employees by gender*
* In the past, we have only categorized our workforce into men and women, but we are aware that not
everybody self-identifies with either of these genders. To date, only a few of our own workforce have
identified as diverse. As we are currently talking about a proportion of less than 0.1 percent, we do not
yet explicitly include this group in our statistics. However, in the interests of equal representation, we
will continue to monitor this aspect.
Non-financial report
In accordance with the provisions of the Act to Strengthen Non-Financial Reporting by Companies in their Management
Reports and Group Reports (CSR Directive Implementation Act), BLG LOGISTICS has prepared a non-financial Group
statement in accordance with Section 315b HGB since the 2017 financial year. This statement is integrated into the
sustainability report as a separate non-financial report, which can be downloaded from
Our 2022 sustainability report also details other non-financial topics.