Anteil Frauen an der GesamtbelegschaftGesamtenergieverbrauch
Reporting 2022

Our Sustainability Approach

For us, acting sustainably means striking a balance between economic performance, social commitment and responsibility for the environment. Our goal is to include all three perspectives in our decisions and to anchor the resulting holistic approach deeply within the company and all processes. Only in this way can we gain an overarching understanding of the correlations, be well equipped to meet challenges and take advantage of opportunities not only for us as a company, but also in terms of our role in shaping the sustainable logistics of tomorrow.

Nachhaltigkeit in der Lieferkette

In a nutshell: we want to act responsibly in every respect. This aspiration forms the backbone of all our activities. We have assigned 11 concrete fields of action to the three supporting pillars ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL and ECONOMIC, which are of great importance to BLG LOGISTICS as a company and also to our stakeholders. Here we set ourselves goals, strive for change and want to do our part to contribute to progress.

In addition, we are guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. These aim to shape the world’s development in a sustainable way and to offer tomorrow’s generations a future. We want to play our part in this area, too, and focus on nine selected goals that are particularly closely linked to our business.

Our Fields of Action and Sustainability Commitment Goals at a Glance

Climate Protection

We will be climate neutral by 2030. This involves cutting our CO2 emissions by 30 percent within the company and 15 percent externally.

Energy Management

We are continuously working to increase our energy efficiency. We are also looking to generate more of our own electricity from renewable sources.

Resource Conservation/
Waste Management

We take responsibility for the environmentally compatible use of resources and aim to reduce our waste volume by avoiding, reducing, recycling and reusing waste.

Fair Working Conditions and Human Rights

Our employees are crucial to our success. We offer them safe, attractive workplaces with fair pay, and are also mindful of the working conditions of the people in our supply chain.

Training and Education

Our training programs take account not only of qualifications but also of personal background and life situation. We offer our employees further development opportunities throughout their careers.

Occupational Health and Safety Management

We take responsibility for providing a safe working environment with a focus on accident prevention. Prevention means we also support our employees in staying healthy.

Diversity and Equal Opportunities

We employ people from more than 60 nations and respect their diversity. We are particularly committed to promoting women in management positions.

Social Commitment

Contributing to the welfare of the community is part of our responsibility. That is why we support initiatives and projects locally and around the world.


Legal and ethical compliance form the basis of our actions. In line with a holistic approach, we also consider our entire supply chain.

Economic Value Creation

We prioritize strategic and sustainable growth. This helps us meet the responsibility we have as a major employer at many locations.

Customer Satisfaction

We support our customers’ business with innovation and efficiency. For them and with them, we shape sustainable logistics of the future.

Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals

More about BLG’s fields of action, SDGs and sustainability strategy.

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