Anteil Frauen an der GesamtbelegschaftGesamtenergieverbrauch
Reporting 2022

Financial Instruments

32. Financial Instruments

Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities

The classification of financial assets is based on the entity’s business model for their management and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the assets.

Measuring debt instruments at amortized cost is only permitted if a financial asset is held within a business model whose objective is to generate contractual cash flows from the asset and the contractual arrangements provide fixed dates for the payments. In addition, these payments must be solely payments of principal and interest.

If not all these criteria are met, the measurement must be at fair value. There is an irrevocable option to measure equity instruments not held for trading at fair value through other comprehensive income. In this case, all changes in value, with the exception of dividends, must be presented in other comprehensive income without the option of reclassification to profit or loss.

Carrying amounts and fair values of financial instruments by class, item in the statement of financial position and measurement category under IFRS 9

In the tables shown on the following pages, the financial instruments are listed according to the above criteria, including the indication of their level in the fair value hierarchy. The measurement categories are described in notes 16 and 18 and in the “Derivative financial instruments” section.

Classification to the levels of the fair value hierarchy is based on the measurement methods used and is described in note 1 in the “Determination of fair values” section.

Carrying amounts of financial instruments classified by item in the statement of financial position, class and category

  Carrying amounts Fair values
EUR thousand

Cost Fair value through profit or loss Fair value through other comprehensive income Fair value hedging Total carrying amount Fair value level Fair value
Financial assets measured at fair value
Investments in affiliated companies and other equity investments 0 0 535 0 535 3 not stated
Hedged derivatives 0 0 0 9,888 9,888 2 9,888
Current finance receivables 0 27,838 0 0 27,838 3 not stated
0 27,838 535 9,888 38,261
Financial assets not measured at fair value
Lease receivables 226,789 0 0 0 226,789 not stated
Miscellaneous non-current finance receivables 1,111 0 0 0 1,111 3 not stated
Miscellaneous other non-current assets 67 0 0 0 67 2 not stated
Trade receivables 184,012 0 0 0 184,012 not stated
Lease receivables 23,110 0 0 0 23,110 not stated
Current finance receivables 4,111 0 0 0 4,111 not stated
Miscellaneous other current assets 695 0 0 0 695 not stated
Cash and cash equivalents 18,403 0 0 0 18,403 not stated
458,297 0 0 0 458,297
  Carrying amounts Fair values
EUR thousand

Cost Fair value through profit or loss Fair value through other comprehensive income Fair value hedging Total carrying amount Fair value level Fair value
Financial liabilities measured at fair value
Hedged derivatives 0 0 0 326 326 2 326
0 0 0 326 326
Financial liabilities not measured at fair value
Non-current loans 139,441 0 0 0 139,441 3 136,923
Non-current Floating interest rate 466,861 0 0 0 466,861 not stated
Other borrowings 56,035 0 0 0 56,035 3 52,060
Miscellaneous non-current financial liabilities 3,978 0 0 0 3,978 2 not stated
Miscellaneous other non-current liabilities 2,152 0 0 0 2,152 2 not stated
Trade payables 101,596 0 0 0 101,596 not stated
Current financial liabilities to banks 41,507 0 0 0 41,507 3 40,244
Current Floating interest rate 61,429 0 0 0 61,429 not stated
Other borrowings 9,441 0 0 0 9,441 3 7,897
Miscellaneous current financial liabilities 48,817 0 0 0 48,817 not stated
Other current liabilities 15,932 0 0 0 15,932 not stated
947,189 0 0 0 947,189
  Carrying amounts Fair values
EUR thousand

Cost Fair value through profit or loss Fair value through other comprehensive income Fair value hedging Total carrying amount Fair value level Fair value
Financial assets measured at fair value
Investments in affiliated companies and other equity investments 0 0 480 0 480 3 not stated
Current finance receivables 0 972 0 0 972 3 not stated
0 972 480 0 1,452
Financial assets not measured at fair value
Lease receivables 217,596 0 0 0 217,596 not stated
Miscellaneous non-current finance receivables 31 0 0 0 31 3 not stated
Miscellaneous other non-current assets 35 0 0 0 35 2 not stated
Trade receivables 176,992 0 0 0 176,992 not stated
Lease receivables 17,093 0 0 0 17,093 not stated
Current finance receivables 3,067 0 0 0 3,067 not stated
Miscellaneous other current assets 810 0 0 0 810 not stated
Cash and cash equivalents 33,010 0 0 0 33,010 not stated
448,634 0 0 0 448,634
  Carrying amounts Fair values
EUR thousand

Cost Fair value through profit or loss Fair value through other comprehensive income Fair value hedging Total
carrying amount
Fair value level Fair value
Financial liabilities measured at fair value
Hedged derivatives 0 0 0 8,870 8,870 2 8,870
0 0 0 8,870 8,870
Financial liabilities not measured at fair value
Non-current loans 136,688 0 0 0 136,688 3 136,831
Non-current Floating interest rate 470,307 0 0 0 470,307 not stated
Other borrowings 55,718 0 0 0 55,718 3 55,256
Miscellaneous non-current financial liabilities 3,454 0 0 0 3,454 2 not stated
Miscellaneous other non-current liabilities 1,765 0 0 0 1,765 2 not stated
Trade payables 87,697 0 0 0 87,697 not stated
Current financial liabilities to banks 43,268 0 0 0 43,268 3 43,314
Current Floating interest rate 56,673 0 0 0 56,673 not stated
Other borrowings 7,999 0 0 0 7,999 3 7,820
Miscellaneous current financial liabilities 45,764 0 0 0 45,764 not stated
Other current liabilities 13,526 0 0 0 13,526 not stated
922,859 0 0 0 922,859

The non-current financial assets included equity instruments of EUR 535 thousand (previous year: EUR 480 thousand) for which BLG LOGISTICS has exercised the option to recognize changes in fair value through other comprehensive income. These are immaterial investments in corporations for which there is no active market and the fair value cannot be reliably determined using measurement methods. Cost is therefore the best estimate of fair value.

As a consequence of the deconsolidation of BLG AUTO LOGISTICS OF SOUTH AFRICA (Pty) Ltd., Port Elizabeth, South Africa, the remaining shares held were reported as financial assets. The carrying amount of the addition in the amount of EUR 57 thousand corresponded to the fair value of the shares at the date of deconsolidation.

Furthermore, the equity investment in TCU GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen, was terminated in the reporting year. Apart from this, no shares in these corporations were derecognized or sold in the reporting year. There are no plans to sell or derecognize parts of the reported equity investments in the near future.

Current finance receivables related to profit shares from partnerships classified as debt instruments. As the profit shares are not capital repayments but capital returns, they were measured at fair value through profit or loss.

With the exception of non-current bank loans and other financial loans, there were no significant differences between the carrying amounts and fair values of the financial instruments. The carrying amounts of trade receivables, current finance receivables, miscellaneous other finance receivables and cash and cash equivalents essentially corresponded to their fair values on account of their short-term nature. The investments in affiliated companies and current finance receivables from shareholder accounts were already measured at fair value, so there was no deviation from the carrying amount here. In the case of non-current finance receivables, the carrying amount approximated fair value due to materiality. The carrying amounts of trade payables, current financial liabilities and other current financial liabilities essentially corresponded to their fair values on account of their short-term nature. In the case of the miscellaneous non-current financial liabilities, the carrying amount approximated fair value due to the regular adjustment of the interest rate.

The following significant methods and assumptions were used to determine the level 3 fair values:

The fair values were determined using the discounted cash flow method based on the expected future cash flows and current interest rates for comparable financing arrangements that are either directly or indirectly observable on the market.

The yield curve of risk-free German government bonds plus a company-specific, matched-term risk premium was used as the market interest rate. With installment payment arrangements, the risk premium over the average maturity was taken into account.

The level 2 fair values of derivative financial instruments were based on external fair value measurements. The variable cash flows were determined using the forward rates of the benchmark rates used for the hedging instruments. The credit spread is not part of the hedging relationship.

The finance receivables measured at fair value in Level 3 relate to the recognition of profit shares of partnerships (see note 16), so that a separate measurement method was not applied here, as the recognition is derived from the respective financial statements and equity interests in the partnerships.

The receivables developed as follows:

EUR thousand 2022 2021
As of January 1 972 1,003
Additions from profit credits 27,962 0
Payments of profit shares -500 -31
Unrealized changes to fair value recognized through profit or loss -596 0
of which recognized in other operating expense -596 0
As of December 31 27,838 972

Movements between the different levels of the fair value hierarchy are recognized at the end of the reporting period in which they occur. In the reporting year, no movements occurred.

Net earnings by measurement category

The following net earnings were attributable to the measurement categories of the financial instruments:

  Subsequent measurement
EUR thousand
From interest rates From dividends From disposal Fair value Net earnings
Financial assets at amortized cost 9,141 0 -96 0 9,045
Equity instruments measured at fair value outside profit or loss 0 2 0 0 2
Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss 0 0 0 -596 -596
Hedging instruments -895 0 0 21 -874
Financial liabilities at amortized cost -16,442 0 0 0 -16,442
Total -8,196 2 -96 -575 -8,865
  Subsequent measurement
EUR thousand
From interest rates From dividends From disposal Fair value Net earnings
Financial assets at amortized cost 7,353 0 -205 0 7,148
Equity instruments measured at fair value outside profit or loss 0 82 0 0 82
Hedging instruments -949 0 0 3 -946
Financial liabilities at amortized cost -14,833 0 0 0 -14,833
Total -8,429 82 -205 3 -8,549

Aims and methods of financial risk management

The principal financial instruments used to finance the Group include non-current loans, current borrowings, lease liabilities, other borrowings, factoring and cash, including short-term deposits with banks. The focus is on financing the operations of BLG LOGISTICS. BLG LOGISTICS has access to a range of other financial instruments, such as trade receivables and payables, that arise directly as part of its operations.

Financial risk management is the responsibility of the Treasury department, whose tasks and objectives are described in a guideline approved by the Board of Management. The central task besides managing liquidity and arranging financing is the minimization of financial risks at Group level. This includes preparing and analyzing financing and hedging strategies and contracting hedging instruments.

The Group's principal risks resulting from financial instruments consist of credit risks, Foreign currency risks, liquidity risks and interest rate risks. The Board of Management adopts risk management guidelines for each of these risks, which are presented below, and monitors compliance with them. At Group level, the existing market price risk for all financial instruments is also monitored.

Hedge accounting is applied if derivative financial instruments are used as hedging instruments and the requirements for hedge accounting in accordance with IFRS 9 are met. The objective is to reduce inconsistencies in recognition or measurement arising for example from gains or losses from a hedging instrument not being credited or charged to the same account in the financial statements as the gains or losses from the hedged risk. The Group’s accounting policies for derivatives and other disclosures on hedge accounting are presented in the “Derivative financial instruments” section.

Credit risk

The Group’s credit risk mainly results from trade receivables and lease receivables. The amounts shown in the consolidated statement of financial position do not include loss allowances for expected credit losses. Owing to the ongoing monitoring of receivables at management level and the use of commercial credit insurance depending on customer creditworthiness, we are not currently exposed to any significant credit risk. Disclosures related to credit risk and expected credit losses from trade receivables and lease receivables are contained in notes 16 and 18.

The credit risk in respect of cash and derivative financial instruments is limited because these are currently held exclusively at banks that have been awarded high credit ratings from international rating agencies, that are highly secure thanks to a joint liability scheme and/or at which there are offsetting opportunities via non-current loans.

The maximum credit risk of the Group is represented by the carrying amounts of the financial assets recognized in the statement of financial position (including derivative financial instruments with positive fair value). The Group is also exposed to credit risk through the acquisition of financial guarantees; at the end of the reporting period, this amounted to a maximum of EUR 48 thousand (previous year: EUR 49 thousand). At the reporting date, there were no significant credit risk mitigation agreements or hedges.

There are no significant concentrations of credit risk in the Group.

Impairment of financial instruments

At BLG LOGISTICS, the impairment requirements apply to financial assets measured at amortized cost, lease receivables and contract assets. They are reported in the net gains/losses from impairment. In addition, this item includes impairment of equity instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss. In these cases, the impairment is the difference between cost and fair value of the equity instrument in question.

EUR thousand 2022 2021
Financial instruments at cost    
Impairment on trade receivables and contract assets    
Addition to loss allowance -319 -307
Reversal of loss allowances recognized in previous years 180 1,027
Derecognitions due to uncollectability -96 -205
-235 515
Total -235 515

Foreign currency risk

With very few exceptions, the Group companies operate in the eurozone and invoice only in euros. In this respect, currency risk could only arise in isolated cases, such as from foreign dividend income or the purchase of goods and services from abroad. An interest rate and currency swap has been concluded to hedge against the foreign currency risk from a variable USD loan granted in the context of Group financing. Further information is presented in the “Derivative financial instruments” section.

As of December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021, there were no significant currency risks in the Group.

Capital risk management

An important capital management goal for BLG LOGISTICS is to ensure the ability of the company to continue as a going concern in order to provide income to shareholders and to provide other stakeholders with the benefits to which they are entitled. Additional goals are to optimize liquidity security and maintain an optimum capital structure in order over the long term to reduce the costs of capital in general and the refinancing risk in particular.

BLG LOGISTICS monitors its capital on the basis of the equity ratio and other key performance indicators. Assurances have been made to all partner banks with regard to equal treatment and the change-of-control clause.

In 2022, the strategy continued to be to secure access to external funds at acceptable costs.

In the reporting year, equity increased from EUR 156,289 thousand to EUR 277,727 thousand; while total assets rose from EUR 1,218,177 thousand to EUR 1,336,518 thousand. Accordingly, the equity ratio improved significantly from 12.8 percent to 20.8 percent. In addition to the positive Group earnings, this primarily resulted from the effects of the rise in interest rates. Of the aforementioned amount, EUR 62,210 thousand was attributable to effects from the remeasurement of pension provisions and EUR 19,266 thousand to changes in the measurement of derivatives used as hedging instruments in cash flow hedges. The effects were recognized in other comprehensive income and relate to both fully consolidated companies and companies accounted for using the equity method, taking into account deferred taxes. The goal is to achieve an equity ratio of 30 percent.

Liquidity risk

Liquidity risks may arise from payment bottlenecks and the resulting higher financing costs. The Group’s liquidity is ensured by central cash management at the level of BLG KG. All significant subsidiaries are included in cash management. Due to the centralized management of capital expenditure and credit management, financial resources (loans/leases) can be provided in good time to meet all payment requirements.

The Group’s liquidity needs are covered by cash and committed credit facilities. As of December 31, 2022, the Group had unused current account credit facilities of around EUR 63 million (previous year: around EUR 86 million).

Measures designed to achieve BLG LOGISTICS’ sustainability targets are also attractive for potential lenders and can be criteria for granting loans. Our sustainability measures are thus a factor in ensuring that we can meet our liquidity requirements in the future.

In parallel, the BLG Group uses the non-recourse sale of receivables under a factoring agreement as an off-statement of financial position financing instrument to further optimize the structure of the statement of financial position. The obligations of the factor to purchase existing and future receivables are limited to a total maximum amount of EUR 75 million. BLG LOGISTICS is free to decide to what extent the revolving nominal volume is utilized. The risks material to disposal relate to the credit risk and the risk of late payment (late payment risk). The credit risk is transferred in full to the factor in return for payment of a factoring fee. There is no significant late payment risk. The receivables were therefore derecognized in full. The cash flows from factoring were recognized accordingly in cash flows from operating activities through the change in trade receivables. In connection with the ongoing engagement, the BLG Group recognized expenses (factoring fee, interest) in the amount of EUR 321 thousand (previous year EUR 40 thousand). The nominal volume of the receivables sold as of December 31, 2022 amounted to EUR 50.1 million (previous year: EUR 19.4 million).

The following tables show the contractually arranged (undiscounted) interest payments and principal repayments of non-current financial liabilities and derivative financial instruments (interest rate swaps).

    Cash flows  
EUR thousand
  2023 2024 2025–2027 2028–2032 2033 et seq. Total Carrying amounts (derivatives netted)
Non-current loans from banks Fixed interest rate 1,073 815 1,441 579 0 3,908
Floating interest rate 3,508 3,549 8,617 8,563 0 24,237
Repayment 20,469 18,365 41,255 79,821 0 159,910 159,910
Lease liabilities Fixed interest rate 11,082 10,087 24,711 31,904 46,397 124,181
Floating interest rate 0 0 0 0 0 0
Repayment 61,274 50,453 107,965 78,071 228,147 525,910 528,290
Other borrowings Fixed interest rate 1,058 917 1,897 795 0 4,667
Floating interest rate 0 0 0 0 0 0
Repayment 9,441 8,798 26,050 21,187 0 65,476 65,476
Total 107,905 92,984 211,936 220,920 274,544 908,289 753,676
Interest rate swaps/interest rate and currency swaps Proceeds -2,842 -3,786 -8,844 -10,547 -920 -26,939
Payments 2,077 2,332 4,908 5,921 595 15,833 9,562
Total -765 -1,454 -3,936 -4,626 -325 -11,106 9,562
    Cash flows  
EUR thousand
  2022 2023 2024–2026 2027–2031 2032 et seq. Total Carrying amounts (derivatives netted)
Non-current loans from banks Fixed interest rate 1,086 861 1,377 566 0 3,890
Floating interest rate 704 634 1,445 1,427 0 4,210
Repayment 21,699 19,699 50,323 66,666 0 158,387 158,387
Lease liabilities Fixed interest rate 10,652 9,724 25,141 33,397 52,123 131,037
Floating interest rate 0 0 0 0 0 0
Repayment 56,519 48,279 94,923 77,072 247,771 524,564 526,979
Other borrowings Fixed interest rate 837 727 1,540 687 0 3,791 0
Floating interest rate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Repayment 7,999 8,448 24,158 23,112 0 63,717 63,717
Total 99,496 88,372 198,907 202,927 299,894 889,596 749,083
Interest rate swaps/interest rate and currency swaps Proceeds -821 -822 -2,211 -2,167 -580 -6,601 0
Payments 1,835 1,828 5,960 6,667 1,325 17,615 -8,870
Total 1,014 1,006 3,749 4,500 745 11,014 -8,870

All non-current financial instruments held at the end of the reporting period and for which payments had been contractually arranged were included here. Budget figures for future new liabilities are not included; current liabilities with maturities of up to one year were disclosed in the notes to the individual items in the statement of financial position.

The variable interest payments from financial instruments were calculated using the last interest rate fixed before the end of the reporting period.

Interest rate risk

The interest rate risk to which BLG LOGISTICS is exposed arises primarily from non-current loans and other non-current financial liabilities. Interest rate risks are managed with a combination of fixed-interest and variable-interest loan capital. The majority of the liabilities to banks have been concluded over the long term or fixed interest rates have been agreed through to the end of the financing term, either originally as part of the loan agreements or via interest rate swaps which have been concluded within micro-hedges for individual variable-interest loans. In addition, while interest rates were low and attractive for investments, a portion of the financing requirement of the coming years was hedged in the prior years by agreeing forward interest rate swaps. The intention is to take out loans from partner banks totaling EUR 90 million in tranches of up to EUR 15 million each within six years, beginning in 2019. Further information is presented in the “Derivative financial instruments” section.

Interest rate risks are disclosed via sensitivity analyses in accordance with IFRS 7. These show the effects of changes in the market interest rate on interest payments, interest income and expense, other income items and on equity. The interest rate sensitivity analyses are based on the following assumptions.

With regard to non-derivative financial instruments with fixed interest rates, market interest rate changes are only recognized through profit or loss if these financial instruments are measured at fair value. All fixed-interest financial instruments measured at amortized cost are not subject to interest rate risks within the meaning of IFRS 7.

This applies to all fixed-interest loan liabilities of BLG LOGISTICS, including lease liabilities and other borrowings. When hedging interest rate risks in the form of cash flow hedge-designated interest rate swaps, changes to the cash flows and to the contributions to earnings induced by changes to the market interest rate of the hedged primary financial instruments and the interest rate swaps balance each other out almost completely, effectively eliminating the interest rate risk.

Gains or losses from remeasurement of hedging instruments to fair value are credited or charged directly to the hedging reserve in equity and are therefore included in the equity-related sensitivity calculation. Changes in the market interest rate of non-derivative variable-interest financial instruments whose interest payments are not structured as hedged items as part of cash flow hedges against interest rate risks have an effect on net interest income (expense) and are therefore included in the calculation of income-related sensitivities.

The same applies to interest payments from interest rate swaps which are, as an exception, not contained in a hedge accounting relationship in accordance with IFRS 9. In the case of these interest rate swaps, market interest rate changes also have an effect on the fair value and thus affect the remeasurement of financial assets or financial liabilities to fair value and are therefore included in the income-related sensitivity analysis.

If the market interest rate at the end of each reporting period had been 100 basis points higher (lower), it would have had the effects shown in the following table on earnings before taxes and on equity (before deferred taxes):

EUR thousand 12/31/2022 12/31/2021
Changes in earnings
Higher -1,016 -2,145
Lower 1,016 2,145
Changes in equity (excluding changes in earnings)
Higher 5,579 7,402
Lower -5,741 -7,836

Fixed interest financial instruments

Fixed interest rates have been agreed for the following loans and other financial instruments. BLG LOGISTICS is thus exposed to interest rate risk for the fair value.

  Residual maturities
EUR thousand
Up to 1 year 1 to 5 years More than 5 years Total
Non-current loans from banks 14,138 31,723 15,321 61,182
Interest rate swaps 1,000 0 60,000 61,000
Other borrowings 9,441 34,848 21,187 65,476
Lease liabilities 61,429 158,870 307,991 528,290
Total 86,008 225,441 404,499 715,948
  Residual maturities
EUR thousand
Up to 1 year 1 to 5 years More than 5 years Total
Non-current loans from banks 12,368 37,794 15,166 65,328
Interest rate swaps 2,000 1,000 45,000 48,000
Other borrowings 7,999 32,606 23,112 63,717
Lease liabilities 56,673 143,613 326,694 526,980
Total 79,040 215,013 409,972 704,025

Lease liabilities are discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease, if that rate can be determined. Alternatively, they are discounted at the incremental borrowing rate. The discount rate corresponds to the interest rate determined at the commencement date of the lease, unless a reassessment requires a remeasurement of the lease liabilities using a changed discount rate. This is the case if changes in the estimate regarding exercise or non-exercise of purchase, extension or termination options arise or changes to the scope, amount of contractual payments or the term of the lease are agreed.

Floating rate financial instruments

Floating interest rates have been agreed for the following financial instruments. The Group is thus exposed to interest rate risk for the cash flows. The corresponding interest rate swaps are shown with a negative sign, as the interest rate risk offsets the interest rate risk from the loans taken out.

There are also two interest rate swaps for future loans, which are presented in the “Derivative financial instruments” section. An interest rate swap for a nominal amount of EUR 10,000 thousand for a call money line expired in the prior period.

The Group’s other financial instruments, which are not included in the tables, are not subject to significant interest rate risk.

  Residual maturities
EUR thousand
Up to 1 year 1 to 5 years More than 5 years Total
Non-current loans from banks 6,331 27,897 64,500 98,728
Interest rate swaps -1,000 0 -60,000 -61,000
Total 5,331 27,897 4,500 37,728
  Residual maturities
EUR thousand
Up to 1 year 1 to 5 years More than 5 years Total
Non-current loans from banks 9,331 32,228 51,500 93,059
Interest rate swaps -2,000 -1,000 -45,000 -48,000
Total 7,331 31,228 6,500 45,059

Derivative financial instruments

A prerequisite for the use of derivatives is the existence of a risk to be hedged. However, open derivative positions may arise in connection with hedging transactions in which the underlying transaction no longer exists or does not arise as planned. Interest rate derivatives are used exclusively to optimize loan conditions and to limit interest rate risks from variable interest payments in the context of financing strategies with matching maturities (cash flow hedges). Derivatives to hedge Foreign currency risks are used exclusively to limit Foreign currency risk in connection with financing in foreign currencies (cash flow hedges). Derivatives are not used for trading or speculative purposes.

The Group has set a hedging ratio of 1:1 for all hedging relationships. Premiums for country or credit risks (credit spread or foreign currency basis spread) are not part of the hedging relationships. Hedging costs are initially recognized in the hedge reserve in equity and reclassified to profit or loss over the term of the hedging relationship.

The existence of the economic relationship between the hedged items and the hedging instruments for assessing the hedge effectiveness is determined prospectively on the basis of significant features such as nominal amount, benchmark rate and maturity. Ineffectiveness is measured at the end of each reporting period according to the hypothetical derivative method. Ineffectiveness can result in particular from differences between the repricing time periods of the swaps and the loans.

Derivative financial instruments are recognized in the statement of financial position from the date the contract is concluded. They are measured at fair value upon acquisition. Subsequent measurement is also at the fair value prevailing at the end of the reporting period. To determine the fair value of a swap, the expected cash flows are discounted on both sides of the swap based on the current yield curve. The difference between the two amounts is the net fair value of the swap. This market valuation of financial derivatives is the price at which one party would assume the existing contractual rights and obligations of the other party. The fair values are determined based on market conditions existing at the end of the reporting period.

If derivative financial instruments are used as hedging instruments and the requirements for hedge accounting in accordance with IFRS 9 are met, their accounting treatment depends on the type of hedging relationship and the hedged item. Derivative financial instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting are classified as measured at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with IFRS 9.

The hedging relationship between the hedged item and the hedging instrument and the objective and strategy of risk management are documented at hedge inception in order to meet the conditions for hedge accounting. This also includes a description of how the effectiveness of the hedging relationship is determined. Effectiveness tests are performed at hedge inception and at the end of each reporting period as part of the ongoing review of whether the derivatives used offset the hedged risks from the underlying transaction.

The changes in the fair value of the effective portion of cash flow hedges are recognized directly in equity. The changes in the fair values of the ineffective portions of cash flow hedges and interest rate swaps that are not designated as hedging instruments in hedging relationships are recognized through profit or loss.

Like other financial assets, derivatives are derecognized when the BLG Group loses control over the underlying rights wholly or in part by selling or discharging them or transferring them to a third party in a manner that qualifies for derecognition. The amounts recognized in equity are reclassified to profit or loss in the period in which the hedged transaction is settled.

The following hedging instruments were in place at the ends of the reporting periods to reduce the interest rate risk from existing bank liabilities and the Foreign currency risk from a variable USD loan granted in the context of Group financing:

Nominal amounts
EUR thousand
Up to 1 year 1 to 5 years More than 5 years Total
Interest rate risk
Interest rate swaps
For outstanding loans 1,000 0 60,000 61,000
Average hedged interest rate 1.455% 1.456% 1.557%
1,000 0 60,000 61,000
Foreign currency risk
Interest rate and currency swaps
For internal USD loan 810 1,215 0 2,025
Hedged USD/EUR rate 0.8098 0.8098 0.8098
810 1,215 0 2,025
Total 1,810 1,215 60,000 63,025
Nominal amounts
EUR thousand
Up to 1 year 1 to 5 years More than 5 years Total
Interest rate risk
Interest rate swaps
For outstanding loans 2,000 1,000 45,000 48,000
Average hedged interest rate 1.343% 1.338% 1.397%
2,000 1,000 45,000 48,000
Foreign currency risk
Interest rate and currency swaps
For internal USD loan 810 2,024 0 2,834
Hedged USD/EUR rate 0.8098 0.8098 0.8098
810 2,024 0 2,834
Total 2,810 3,024 45,000 50,834

The interest rate swaps involve the exchange of floating interest payments for fixed-rate payments. The Group is payer of the fixed amounts and recipient of the floating amounts.

The nominal amounts represent the gross volume of all purchases and sales. This figure serves as a benchmark for determining mutually agreed payments, but is not a receivable or liability that is eligible for recognition in the statement of financial position.

For the financing requirement of the coming years, forward interest rate swaps with a total volume of EUR 90 million, in tranches of EUR 15 million each, have been concluded to hedge the interest rate risk from loans to be taken out in the future. Four tranches have already been taken out. As the terms of the other swaps commence in the years 2023 and 2024, they are not included in the presentation of maturities at the ends of the reporting periods. Each forward interest rate swap has a term of ten years and is payable at maturity. The average hedged interest rate was 1.940 percent.

The hedging instruments in place as of the ends of the reporting periods had the following effects on the consolidated statement of financial position:

EUR thousand
Nominal amount Carrying amount Item in the statement of financial position Change in fair value basis for recognizing ineffectiveness
Interest rate risk
Outstanding loans 61,000 6,734 Current other assets 12,604
Planned loans 30,000 3,154 5,940
91,000 9,888 18,544
Foreign currency risk
Internal USD loan 2,025 -326 Current financial liabilities -311
2,025 -326 -311
Total 93,025 9,562 18,233
EUR thousand
Nominal amount Carrying amount Item in the statement of financial position Change in fair value basis for recognizing ineffectiveness
Interest rate risk
Outstanding loans 48,000 -4,537 Current financial liabilities 2,615
Call money lines 0 0 152
Planned loans 45,000 -4,059 1,951
93,000 -8,596 4,718
Foreign currency risk
Internal USD loan 2,834 -274 Current financial liabilities -254
2,834 -274 -254
Total 95,834 -8,870 4,464

The carrying amounts of hedging instruments correspond to the calculated fair values. At the end of the reporting period, as in the previous year, all existing hedging instruments fulfilled the criteria for cash flow hedges.

The nominal amount of the interest rate and currency swaps in foreign currency as of December 31, 2022 was USD 2,500 thousand (previous year: USD 3,500 thousand).

The hedged items designated in hedging relationships had the following effects on the consolidated statement of financial position as of the end of the reporting periods:

EUR thousand
Change in fair value basis for recognizing ineffectiveness Hedge reserve Cash flow hedges (gross)
Interest rate risk    
Outstanding loans -12,852 6,925
Call money lines 0 0
Planned loans -6,082 3,154
  -18,934 10,079
Foreign currency risk    
Internal USD loan 312 0
  312 0
Total -18,622 10,079
EUR thousand
Change in fair value basis for recognizing ineffectiveness Hedge reserve Cash flow hedges (gross)
Interest rate risk    
Outstanding loans -2,526 -4,406
Call money lines -152 0
Planned loans -1,791 -4,059
  -4,469 -8,465
Foreign currency risk    
Internal USD loan 255 0
  255 0
Total -4,214 -8,465

The following amounts were recognized in connection with hedging relationships:

  Change in fair value Reclassification from OCI to P&L P&L items
EUR thousand
Recognized in other comprehensive income (effective portion) Recognized in the statement of profit or loss (ineffective portion)    
Interest rate risk        
Outstanding loans 12,604 0 0  
Call money lines 0 0 0  
Planned loans 5,940 0 0  
  18,544 0 0  
Foreign currency risk        
Internal USD loan -311 0 309 Other operating expense
  -311 0 309  
Total 18,233 0 309  
  Change in fair value Reclassification from OCI to P&L P&L items
EUR thousand
Recognized in other comprehensive income (effective portion) Recognized in the statement of profit or loss (ineffective portion)    
Interest rate risk        
Outstanding loans 2,615 0 0  
Call money lines 152 0 0  
Planned loans 1,951 0 0  
  4,718 0 0  
Foreign currency risk        
Internal USD loan -254 0 267 Other operating expense
  -254 0 267  
Total 4,464 0 267  

The composition of the hedge reserve presented in note 20, including deferred taxes, breaks down by risk category and other components resulting from hedge accounting as shown in the table on the right.

Since the reference amounts are reduced by the repayment of the underlying loans in parallel with the loan proceeds, no gains or losses are recognized as long as the financial instruments are not sold. No sale is planned.

  Cash flow hedge reserve
Financial year 2022
EUR thousand
Interest rate swaps/interest rate and currency swaps Hedging costs Total
Cash flow hedges      
As of January 1 -8,050 -38 -8,088
Changes in fair value      
Interest rate risk – outstanding loans 12,604 0 12,604
Interest rate risk – call money lines 0 0 0
Interest rate risk – planned loans 5,940 0 5,940
Foreign currency risk – internal USD loan -311 2 -309
Reclassifications to profit or loss      
Foreign currency risk 309 0 309
Deferred taxes 0 0 0
Change in investments in companies accounted for using the equity method 722 0 722
As of December 31 11,214 -36 11,178
  Cash flow hedge reserve
Financial year 2021
EUR thousand
Interest rate swaps/interest rate and currency swaps Hedging costs Total
Cash flow hedges      
As of January 1 -12,926 -25 -12,951
Changes in fair value      
Interest rate risk – outstanding loans 2,615 0 2,615
Interest rate risk – call money lines 152 0 152
Interest rate risk – planned loans 1,951 0 1,951
Foreign currency risk – internal USD loan -254 -13 -267
Reclassifications to profit or loss      
Foreign currency risk 267 0 267
Deferred taxes 0 0 0
Change in investments in companies accounted for using the equity method 145 0 145
As of December 31 -8,050 -38 -8,088