Reporting 2020

Climate action

By 2030, we aim to have reduced our own greenhouse gas emissions measured in absolute terms against 2018 by at least 30 percent. Over the same period, we want to achieve a 15 percent cut along our supply chain. Supplementary carbon emission offsets will enable us to also become a climate-neutral company by 2030.

UN goal:

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.


Implementation at BLG

The absolute reduction of our greenhouse gas emissions is at the heart of our “Mission Climate”, which will lead to us becoming a climate-neutral company. By 2030, we will reduce our own CO2 emissions significantly by 30 percent. We will achieve this by focusing on three key levers: steadily increasing our energy efficiency wherever possible, producing our own clean electricity and purchasing green electricity. We will lower emissions along our supply chain by 15 percent over the same period.

By doing so, we are making our own contribution toward achieving the Paris climate goals. In this spirit, it is therefore also important to us that our mission demonstrably benefits the climate. When formulating our reduction target we were therefore guided by scientific standards and subsequently had it validated by independent experts from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), making us a pioneer in the logistics sector.

Julian Fischer
Julian Fischer

Project Manager Climate Protection and Energy Management

Julian, you were instrumental in developing the new climate target – what was the biggest challenge on the path to validation by the SBTi?

We had to expand our climate assessment to include all Scope 3 emissions, in other words, everything that is caused by our business activities but is generated outside the company. For example, these include emissions caused as a result of business trips, or the diesel consumption of our subcontractors. Here, we had to comply with the principles of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) – that is the leading international standard for accounting for greenhouse gas emissions. Monitoring is also necessary to measure our performance and progress. To this end, we now conduct an annual survey on employee commuting, for example. Even if it was a lot of work – obtaining a clear picture of our emissions is simply crucial.