If sustainability is incorporated from the get-go, an important goal is already achieved. That is why we are keen to pass on our knowledge and enthusiasm for all things sustainable to our employees. For the first time in the reporting year, we held a sustainability workshop with our apprentices and dual students.
UN goal
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Implementation at BLG
In today’s world, many different paths to qualification, continuous expansion of competencies and personal development are more important than ever. With a whole range of measures and programs, we offer great access to training and education programs for all qualification levels.
“I think it’s good and important that trainees and students are also made aware of sustainability in the company and that this important topic is taught in a practical and fun way.”
Lea Thies, dual student

The topic of sustainability is particularly relevant for younger employees. Our aim is to raise awareness and enthusiasm for this topic among this age group right from the start of their training so as to anchor sustainability even more firmly across the company. Like this, our young colleagues on the one hand already transport this knowledge into their respective departments and on the other hand set themselves up to become multipliers in the future. This was our motivation to initiate the sustainability workshop for all apprentices and dual students.
Using hands-on learning methods such as “LEGO Serious Play,” the participants learned about important content from the sustainability spectrum and developed project ideas for their own sustainability assignment. Our goal was not only to build up general knowledge concerning this diverse subject area and its implementation at BLG, but also to encourage the participants to take a critical approach. Our sustainability team will collate the results of the workshop and consider possibilities for implementing them. Proposals included creative approaches to reducing waste and improving waste separation, as well as tree-planting campaigns.
Dual student Lea Thies attended the sustainability workshop and highlighted the relevance and topicality of the project: “I think it’s good and important that apprentices and students are also made aware of sustainability in the company and that this important topic is taught in a practical and fun way.”
We intend to continue to hold the workshop in the coming years. This is just one of many steps toward raising awareness of sustainability issues across the whole of the company.